{Chapter 8}

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I angrily stomped all the way to my home, my fists clenched tightly. My brother was already home, seeing as how his elementary school lets out an hour before ours, which is totally unfair.

"Hey, Sky!" Jack greeted me from the couch as soon as I walked in the house, wearing a huge cheeky grin that for some reason made my blood boil. "Are you excited for the camping trip?"

"No," I growled. "And did you forget that Lucas, Blake and Tyler will be joining us? They're horrible!"

"I know." Jack shrugs. "But I like Leo. Maybe you shouldn't stop them marrying. How are you even going to do that?"

I shrugged. "I dunno, but listen, Jack. The River brothers are awful! Sure, their dad's not, but this is for the best. They're bullies. Besides, our family is perfectly fine the way it is, right?"

Jack sighed. "I guess," he answered dully.

"Do you know when they're coming over here?" I asked.

"Around five," Jack answered.

"Great, thanks," I said. "Have you finished packing?"

"Yeah, yesterday."

I pursed my lips, wishing I wasn't a procrastinator. "Mom in her bedroom?" I asked. Jack nodded. "Well, I'm gonna go start... I mean, finish packing, kay?"


The doorbell rung just as I zipped my camping backpack closed. I sighed. That must be them, I thought drily.

I flung my backpack over my shoulder, and made my way downstairs to see Mom letting her fiancé and his sons in. I scowled, desperately hoping that we manage to stop their wedding.

I stood next to Jack, purposely coming off as standoffish. I crossed my arms, my eyes narrowed. Jack simply looked like a scared puppy, but I don't really care.

"We're going to have to take two cars," Mom said. "Lucas, do you have a license?"

"Yeah, why?" Lucas said.

"Well," Mom started, "I was thinking that you and your brothers and my kids could ride together, so you guys can bond."

What the fuck. Excuse me?

"I love that idea," Leo says.

I don't.

"Sounds perfect," Lucas says — the two faced — and his brothers nodded in agreement.

"Great, let's go!" Mom said excitedly.

I cannot believe this.

I'm currently sitting in the window seat, behind the passenger's side. My younger brother is in the middle — poor him — and Blake is on his other side, looking extremely as pissed off as I feel. Lucas is in the driver's seat, of course, and Tyler is in the passenger's side.

This is going to be a long car ride. It takes three hours to get to the forest from where we live, so it's not going to be much fun, especially riding with the most annoying people I know in one small car.

Lucas began driving, following his dad out of the driveway.

It was tense, awkward and silent... until Tyler started talking. "So this seems like fun," he stated. No one responded. One. Two. Three. And he speaks up again. Fabulous. "Anyway, don't we need a plan to split our parents up? I mean, we only have two months to do so."

"That's more than enough time," Lucas said, "but I suppose you do have a point. Any suggestions? Four eyes? You seem smart enough to come up with something."

With a start, I realized he was taking to me. "Um... no, I don't scheme," I told him. "This was your idea. You think of something. Also stop calling me Four Eyes!"

"Now why would I do such a thing?" Lucas smirked, causing me to growl angrily.

"Oh, look, someone's a dog now," Blake muttered.

Jack rested his head against my shoulder. I was about to repeatedly flick his forehead, before I realized that he was sound asleep peacefully, clutching my arm tightly in the process. I sighed heavily. I suppose he was kind of adorable at the moment.

"You know," I spoke up, "Jack actually likes your dad."

"Are you backing out?" Lucas questioned.

"Of course not," I answered. "I want to get rid of you three just as much as you want to get rid of us." Though I'd rather do that by feeding you to zombies or something.

"Good," Lucas said, nodding his head in approval.

"I still hate what you did," I said. "That was absolutely mortifying!"

"Oh, we know," Lucas said smugly.

"It was hilarious!" Tyler grinned cheekily.

"A classic," Blake added. "I wish I thought of something like that."

"But you're not smart enough," Lucas teased.

"Shut up!" Blake demanded.

Lucas's eyes shone with amusement. He's always so calm and cold, but I guess he lets loose with his brothers.

I seriously need to get my revenge on Lucas, but I dunno, that would draw more attention to my pathetic self, wouldn't it? And he's practically worshipped at school. I'll probably be attacked by a bunch of angry psychos.

I mean, I guess I shouldn't focus on getting revenge. If we separate Mom and Leo, then we would never have associate with each other. I can go back to ignoring them, and they'll go back to pretending I never existed in the first place. Then life would go back to how it should be.

Well, except for Dylan. He's not really apart of this whole ordeal, so I don't know how that's going to go back to normal. Maybe that'll be my new normal? Being friends with that dude?

It still feel strange to be friends with anyone, most of all with Dylan O'Neal. We're just so different. It's weird. But he's probably only being friends with me so I can help him with other subjects that's not biology. Only gonna use me for my smarts. Typical human being.

I huff, leaning back against my seat.

"Do you have a problem back there, Four Eyes?" Lucas asked, glancing at me from his mirror in the front seat.

"Nope," I said, popping the P because I am a Wattpad character after all, and it's just what we type of people do.

I really wish Jack would get off of me now. It's starting to feel rather uncomfortable to have human contact for so long. For me, it's just so unnatural. How do you normos survive with human contact? It's gross. Especially from a sibling. And double especially if that sibling is Jack.


Soon, I drifted into unconsciousness as well, my head leaning on Jack's, which went totally unplanned.

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