{Chapter 9}

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I could not be more glad to be here if it means I can finally get out of this car with these boys.

I opened my car door, stretching and yawning as I got out. It was a little past eight and crickets were making the sound that crickets make. We were in the middle of the forest, where only one measly cabin could be seen.

Leo and my mom got out of their car, while Jack and the River boys got out of Lucas's car. Being cooped up in that car certainly wasn't fun, but it's over... for now.

"We here already?" Jack asked.

"You were asleep the entire way here," I said, rolling my eyes.

"As if you didn't do the same," Blake said teasingly.

"Whatever," I muttered.

"Come on, kiddos," Leo said. "Why don't you go get situated in your rooms and then we can eat dinner, okay?"

"We're thinking outside, under the stars." Mom added, smiling brightly and Leo nodding in agreement.

I got my backpack from the trunk, and handled Jack his. I glared at Lucas, Tyler and Blake each in turn, before grabbing Jack's wrist and pulling him inside the cabin.

I took the closest room to the bathroom. It was plain and dull, just wooden with carpet and a white cover bed, which I placed my backpack on. We are only staying here for three days, including today, so it is not like I need to unpack or anything.

Ten minutes later, I went outside. The campfire was lit, probably to give us light, and everyone was already sitting at the table, while Leo made some hotdogs from the grill.

I took a seat next to Jack, Mom on his other side. Lucas, Tyler and Blake were across from us. Blake was the one directly across from me, though, and Lucas from Jack.

"Hotdogs are ready!" Leo exclaimed, setting them, ketchup, mustard and potato chips on the table.

I took two hotdogs, placing mustard on one of them, and ketchup on the other. Then I grabbed me a bag of chips. My stomach growled in anticipation. I have not eaten since lunch in the cafeteria with Dylan, and trust me, that feels like forever ago.

"So how's school going for everyone?" Mom said, making conversation, as Leo took a seat next to her.

"Good," Tyler said, his mouth full of food. I wrinkled my nose in disgust. "How about you? Wait, you don't have school, never mind!" He continued eating like a savage.

"School has been fine," Lucas said politely. "Right, Blake?"

"Right-o, Lucas," Blake agreed.

"That is wonderful to hear!" Mom gushed. "My dear, Skylar has almost straight As, except for P.E and math."

"How do you fail P.E," Lucas commented, while Blake snorted and Tyler grinned. Who does my mother think she is? It's not their business to know what grades I'm making in school.

"Blake, I hear you pass math with flying colors," Mom complimented. "Do you think that maybe you could help Skylar?"

"I'm good—" I started to say.

"I think that's a great idea!" Leo said.

"I'll pay you," Mom offered.

Blake grinned at that. "Well, if that's the case, than sure," he said.

"Wonderful!" Mom said.

I groaned. I don't want Blake River of all people to tutor me! I mean, I don't even need one. I may not be making an A in math, but at least I am still passing that class.

From beside me, Jack giggled but at least he's well mannered enough not to talk with his mouth full like someone we know! I am talking about Tyler, in case you for some reason didn't know.

I finished my hot dogs and chips in silence. But the others kept going on about useless shit that no one cares about. Once I was done, I stood up and announced that I would be going to my bedroom.


I plopped down on my bed, my stomach full.

A tear leaked from my eye. The truth is that I miss my birth dad, and that's why I'm such a crybaby during the night. I'm always silent during my sob fest, an unhealthy amount of silence.

I don't want a new dad. Or new brothers. I can't just replace my dad, like he probably replaced us. That would make me just as bad as he is, right?

I can't help but wonder where he is and what he is doing right now. Does he miss Jack and me? Is he thinking about us? And what about Mom? Why did he abandon us?

I rolled over on my side, tears falling freely from my face and onto my cheek. Sometimes I really do wish Jack's theory on aliens abducting our dad was true. Because than at least he wouldn't be such a disappointment.

Maybe I'm the disappointment, a deep and dark part of me thought. Maybe that's why he left. I'm just... worthless.

That thought unsettled me, but even so, I couldn't help but think and believe that. It always pops into my head at least once a week, most of the time more than once.

I just want closure — is that too much to ask for?

But with Leo in the picture, what happens if I bring down my walls and let him in and allow the River boys to become my stepbrothers? What if my walls just crumble and I end up regretting letting that happens?

What if something happens, like Leo leaving? I'll be heartbroken all over again, and worst of all — so would Jack. I didn't want that to happen. I refuse to let that happen.

I will stop my mother and their father from ever getting married, no matter the cost. Okay, that's just a tad bit dramatic, but I don't care. I am not allowing anyone in. I don't even allow Mom and Jack to see me at my most vulnerable.

And as I silently cried, sometime during that, I drifted off into unconsciousness.

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