{Chapter 7}

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I was beyond annoyed. I made it a point to come to school early to have a little talk with Lucas, since I haven't had the chance to. He's the fucking reason I'm grounded, after all.

I entered the cafeteria, the place where mostly everyone waits until school starts. I clenched my fists, as my eyes narrowed. Lucas better be in here, or so help me—

Oh. There he is. I located him. All I could see was red. I gritted my teeth and marched over to him. "Why you little, bi—" My eyes widened when I realized that he was with friends. As in, people I don't know... And now they're all looking at me. Fucking fantastic....

I took a step back, suddenly going speechless and embarrassed. One of Lucas's friends — Spencer, I believe — waved at me, and I shyly waved back, since it would have been rude not to.

"Hey, I like girls in glasses," another one of them, Travis, said.

I self consciously pushed my blue rimmed glasses up.

"Dude, she's fourteen," Lucas snorted, causing Travis to become horrified. Lucas turned to me. "What do you want?"

"Um, a-alone," I muttered. A couple of whistles from my statement, but I tried to ignore them... unsuccessfully, as a faint blush appeared on my pale skin.

Lucas rolled his eyes. "Is this about yesterday? When you asked for a—"

I furiously shook my head. "No!" I blurted. "Well, yes, but... you were the one that—"

Lucas put his hand on my head. I could practically feel four pairs of eyes on us. I clenched my fists, wanting to decapitate him. Or to chop off the disgusting thing — his hand — touching me. He's lucky we're in public.

"I really don't care," Lucas told me. "Just remember that it'll get a lot worse if we don't pull this off. Okay, Four Eyes?"

Maybe I should just get contacts.

I sighed, wanting to say a lot more, but knowing that I couldn't. Not with so many people watching. God, why can't they just mind their own damn business? I suppose I should give them credit for not opening their mouths, though...

"Fine," I muttered. Before any more words could be said, the bell rung.

"Bye." Lucas mocked waved.

I didn't move a muscle... until I remembered I had a class to be in.

In biology, once again Dylan took a seat next to me, though I don't really care anymore. He's better than any of the Rivers, except Leo, their dad, but oh well. Whatever.

"Sup, Hart." Dylan nodded at me.

I simply sighed.

"You good, bro?" Dylan asked.

I shot him a look. So now we're bros, are we? That was fast. Whatever. Dylan... is something else, all right. To answer his question, I gave him a curt, polite nod, a scowl on my face.

"Kay," Dylan muttered.

This is going to be a long week and an even longer weekend, I thought with dread.

And it was.

The Rivers were extremely annoying and mocking, the rest of the week. Not to mention that no one could let the whole note that Lucas said I wrote go. When someone sees my resting bitch face and narrowed eyes, all anyone can seem to do is fucking laugh.

And Dylan is now my self proclaimed best friend... oh boy. He's now a regular visitor at my lunch table in the cafeteria. Speaking of, the Rivers are still so rude to people in there, it's sickening.

But even so my week has been absolutely terrible especially with the whole grounding business (so far, Lucas is my least favorite River, I've decided), on Friday, I wasn't ready for school to end, because that would mean the camping trip begins. An entire three days with no civilization, family time, and the Rivers? Things can't get much worst than that, unless Dylan somehow manages to weasel himself on our trip... but that's unlikely. I hope.

"You have been in a worst mood than usual this entire week," Dylan commented when I plopped down at our — yes, our, ew — table, with my tray of food landing on the table hard.

"Thanks for noticing," I said, taking a big bite of pizza — Friday is pizza day, the only thing that went right this entire week. Normally, I eat the pepperoni first and take small bites, but I was too livid to care about the eating pizza ways of life.

"May I ask why?" Dylan prompted, his nose wrinkled in disgust as I practically devoured the pizza is three huge bites, letting out a burp at the end.

"You may not," I replied, opening my chocolate milk cartoon, and chugging it down in exactly seven point six seconds.

Once I was done, I put it back on my tray and let out another burp. Dylan just looks uncomfortable now. Good. He should have known what he was getting into when he befriended me without my permission.

"You are really weird," Dylan said. "And low key scary right now. In a different way than usual. Cut any animals lately?"

"Yes. Ten cats and eight dogs and one pig," I replied, keeping up the fear factor. "Nineteen in total. It's an odd number and I hate ending things on nine so I'm gonna have to kill something else. Maybe a frog. Or a snake. A bear, possibly. Or a cow. What are your thoughts on the matter, Dylan?"

"I can't tell if this is all a joke, or if you are being serious," Dylan said. "That's my thought on the matter, Skylar."

I nodded. "Fair enough," I said, plopping five grapes into my mouth at once.

All Dylan could do was sigh heavily.

"Got a problem?" I challenged with raised eyebrows, really wishing I could raise one at a time, because that would be totally awesome and more intimidating.

"Yes, and you're one of them," Dylan said.

Wow. Rude much?

I merely scoffed. He's the one that befriended me, in case he's forgotten!

But I don't care right now.

Because the weekend is nearing.

And the agonizing torture is too.

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