{Chapter 6}

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Yay, algebra!

This is sarcasm, by the way.

I take my seat behind Alex, my crush. That's different than the love of my life. That title is held by the amazing Gray Fullbuster. But me being so close to Alex and unable to concentrate could very well be the reason that I completely suck at math.

Actually, I just naturally suck at math of any kind, even when we're able to use calculators, but what's the point if you are required to show your work? But I'm blaming my... suckiness on Alex's close proximity.

After twenty minute of being in class, Mr. Baker teaching us stuff and just as much time of me staring at the back of Alex's head — the same head that I accidentally hit with a trash pad, whoops — Blake walked in. Yes, he's twenty damn minutes late.

Mr. Baker glared at him. "You better have a good reason for being late, Mr. River," he says sternly.

Blake nodded. "Yeah, I do," he said. "I just didn't feel like coming to class."

Mr. Baker didn't like that answer. He merely said, "Detention. After school," and went back to teaching us about... math.

Great. Now I'm gonna be stuck in detention with him. Just wonderful!

The rest of the day went by uneventful, except for a few snickers and period puns. I couldn't have been more relieved that school was over for the day and I could stop dealing with a bunch of idiots.

Then I remembered I have detention.


As soon as I called my mom to let her know that I'll be home late, I entered the classroom where detention was being held. A teacher by the name of Mr. Davis was in charge of detention today. Ugh, this is my first time ever getting detention. Thanks, Lucas, I thought drily. I probably should have explained my innocence, but I was in too much shock and had way too many pairs of eyes on me.

I was the first one here. At least Mr. Davis was the one holding this detention. He's a pretty cool dude, so at least that makes some things better. But I doubt it changes much.

Mr. Davis smiled at me. "Hello, Skylar, just sit anywhere," he said, gesturing around the empty classroom. Well, not technically empty, since Mr. Davis and I are standing in here, but you get what I mean.

I nodded, confirming that I heard him and took a seat at the back. In hind site, I should've taken a corner seat, but I already sat down, and I don't like creating awkward situations.

Soon, Dylan walked in. He saw me and grinned, making me want to groan as he came over and... sat next to me. Again. I really don't understand his sudden curiosity in me. I'm an awkward ugly rude potato, so...

For the third time today, Dylan took the seat next to me. I swear, he's solemnly up to no good.

"I got this one covered," Dylan said with a wink and then in a very high pitched voice, he said, "Why are you sitting here?" In his normal voice: "Must you ask that each time."

"I don't sound like that," I protested.

"You're right," Dylan said. "You sound more annoying."

Wow. He's mean.

"Okay, it's 4:05," Mr. Davis said, "which means detention has officially started. No more talking." Then, he winked. I stared at him, confused. What is he getting at?

Then, Blake walked in, though Mr. Davis suddenly seemed way to into his book that he literally just pulled out. What the fuck? Surely, Blake's late and he's turning a blind eye?

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