{Chapter 10}

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The next day, I was not excited for family time whatsoever.

I grumpily made my way outside, the fresh breeze blowing my hair around softly. Jack was sitting on the porch, drinking a glass of lemonade. "Hey, Skylar!" he greeted me when he noticed my presence.

"Um... hey," I said, taking note of everyone else.

Mom and Leo and his boys were outside as well. Unfortunately. I sighed, already agitated with them, even though they haven't done anything — yet.

"Want some lemonade?" Jack asked me. "Mom made it."

"No," I answered bluntly, sitting down on the seat next to Jack. I crossed my legs, leaning back against my seat.

"Mom made tea, too," Jack said.

"I'm not thirsty."

Mom and Leo were at the table, while Leo's sons were sitting under a tree, talking in hush voices, which was rather suspicious, but I decided not to waste any time thinking about what they could be up to — they're not worth my time.

"Skylar, Mom and Leo seem really happy together," Jack told me, taking another sip of his lemonade.

I rolled my eyes. "Looks can be deceiving, dear brother."

"Somehow I doubt you consider me your dear brother," Jack said.

"You're smarter than you look," I complimented, causing Jack to pout.

"Skylar! Jack!" Mom suddenly called. "Come over here real quick."

"Boys! You too!" Leo yelled.

It was my turn to pout. I just sat down! I rolled my eyes, following my brother over to them, while Blake, Tyler and Lucas — all of which I sent icy glares too — came over, their emotions well hidden. Blake ended up standing next to me, with Jack on my other side.

"Hello, everyone!" Mom greeted. "Leo and I've been talking and came up with the perfect idea! Right, Leo?"

Leo nodded. "We think you guys should hang out, get to know each other," he elaborated from what Mom said, causing my eyes to widen slightly in utter horror. Does it look like I want to get to know them?!

"We go to school together," I said.

"But Jack doesn't," Mom said, "and there's always something new to learn about each other! I'm still learning more about Leo as the days go by."

"Then maybe it's too early to get married," Blake said with a nonchalant shrug.

"Blake!" Leo warned.

"Sorry," Blake said, not sounding very sorry.

"Do we have to, Mommy?" Jack asked, purposely being cute.

"Yes," our mom said. "Now go on! The day is still rather young."

"Okay, fine. How about a walk in the woods?" Lucas asked.

I don't feel very comfortable with that. I mean, what if they leave me out there, lost and alone?! Actually, come to think of it, that doesn't sound half bad.

But still. I don't want to bond with the Rivers. How disgusting.

"Sure, let's go!" Tyler grinned.

"Have fun and be safe!" Mom said.

But I was not given a choice.

Jack grabbed my wrist, causing me to glare down at him, but he didn't notice. He pulled me along, and we followed the others into the woods, where they are probably planning to murder me... or that's just my crazy imagination at work.

I really did not see the point in bonding, especially since it seems like such a humongous waste of time, given that we are going to ruin them marrying each other — I don't fail at school, so why would I fail at something that seems way more important to me in the long run?

"So what are we going to do?" Blake asked, walking behind Lucas.

"Absolutely nothing," Lucas said. "Well, except for talking. Now sit down."

Then he plopped down in the grass, everyone following suit, including Jack. I sighed, before sinking down into the grass as well, sitting on my knees.

"Can we skip the talking?" I questioned, holding my head with my hand.

"No," Lucas said. "We need to come up with an actual plan to split our parents up. Anyone have any suggestions?"

Tyler raised his hand like a kindergartener.

"Yes, Tyler?"

"I don't have a suggestion." Tyler smiled, putting his hand down. "Glad that's off my chest."

Lucas, Blake and I glared at him while Jack merely giggled.

"Anyone else?" Lucas asked through gritted teeth. He must have a lower patience tolerance than I do.

I sat there, bored, wishing to be back home with a good book, cuddling with Snuffles, my dog plushie, in my bed. But nope. Here I am, in the woods with the most annoying people I have the pleasure of unfortunately knowing.

"No," Blake answered, sounding bored.

"I still don't think this is a good idea," Jack whispered in my ear, though no one else noticed. I merely rolled my eyes, not bothering to reply.

Lucas sighed. "Well, we only have two months and apparently no plan," he griped. "Are we just winging it?"

"Seems like it," I said.

"Oh, sure, you answer him," Jack muttered sarcastically, crossing his arms sulkily. I sigh, resisting the urge to facepalm.

"Nerds, come on, you gotta have some plan," Blake said.

I narrowed my eyes at him. Did he just call me nerds... as in the candy nerd? Fan-ducking-tactic. He is officially the last River to give me a horrible nickname.

"Don't call me that," I said.

"Do you prefer Four Eyes?" Lucas inquired.

"Or Blondie?" Tyler asked with one raised eyebrow — god, I'm so jealous he can do that! Maybe I should cut his eyebrows off to make myself feel better.

"No," I said, while jack seemed to be having some fit of laughter. It's. Not. That. Funny. Jeezus. "We did not come here to make fun of me. We came here to figure out how separate our parents."

"No, we came here because our parents forced us to bond," Jack corrected with a cheeky grin, in which that comment actually got a fist bump from Tyler and a grin from Blake. Jack seemed elated.

"Whatever," I said through gritted teeth, standing up.

"Hey, where are you going?" Lucas asked.

"Somewhere else, preferably quiet and lonely and peaceful!" I snapped. I'm way too drained, so now my introverted ass needs to be away from people. Too bad I didn't have a book.

"You're being dramatic," Blake said.

"I don't care! Good bye!" I said.

"You don't even know how to navigate the forest!" Tyler said in between chuckles.

"What a shame," I muttered, sarcastically, before walking off, feeling their confused stares.

Alone time is exactly what I have been needed since school was back in session.

Fuck bonding time — that's such a colossal waste of time.

Skylar's Guide to Stop a MarriageOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz