Chapter 6

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Chapter 6_ Mates Pt.2

Chase's P.O.V

“Who said what now????” Jordan questioned probably hoping she heard wrong. After the look I was giving her I knew she heard right, “How could we I mean we’re hardly out of high school Chase we’re still kids ourselves, I mean I still pull pranks all the time. I put dye in my brother’s shampoo come on you know the dead rat in the girls locker room all me totally worth it, but still I would like to have kids just not now-,” “Hey, hey, hey calm down before you give yourself a heart attack. Now listen to me yes we do need to have a kid but that’s something for a later situation.” I said as I tried to calm Jordan down from her rant. “Good,” She sighed, “Cause that ain’t gonna happen any time soon.” I smirked, “Whatever you say babygirl.”

I knew something was up when the mischievous smile appeared on her face, “What’s with the look?” I questioned knowing she was up to no good. Without warning she pulled out of my arms and pushed me towards the deep part of the water. But, as I was falling I pulled Jordan back into my arms.

“What’s with the face babygirl, plan backfire?” I smirked knowing quite well I was right. “Yeah, yeah keep dreaming.” With that she dived back into the water and disappearing from my sight. This time I didn’t have time to react before I was pulled under water by my ankle.

When I resurfaced all I heard was Jordan’s laughter. When I looked at her she was practically falling over tears streaming down her cheeks from laughing so hard. “Oh, laugh at my expense will ya!!!!” I yelled pretending to be angry at her. That only seemed to make her laugh even more so I used my speed to get to her and I quickly wrapped my arms around her small waist causing her to stop laughing almost immediately.

“Not so funny now eh?” I whispered into her ear as I held her tightly to my chest. “This is seriously getting old will you let me go that tickles!!!!!!” Jordan squealed. “How about no.” with that I threw Jordi over my shoulder and ran up to the top of the waterfall in record time. “How did you? We were just- Uh!! Werewolves and their speed.” She mumbled rather loudly. “So what are we doing here anyway?” She questioned looking down to the bottom of the waterfall with interest.

“We, my sweet Jordan are going for a little swimming contest first one out picks punishment for the loser.” I smirked. “Ready. Set-.” I was cut off by a loud splash looking down I saw Jordan already jumped off the waterfall and into the lake below. ‘Typical’ I thought as I jumped in after her.


Jordan’s P.O.V


“Cheetah!!!” Chase yelled when we got out of the water. I chuckled, “You never said anything about rules so technically I did not cheat.” I explained while chuckling, “Besides everyone knows I don’t play fair.” He chuckled, “True.”  I started to ring out my hair something over shadowed me looking up I saw Chase, “We better get back before you get sick.” He spoke looking serious. I scoffed, “I wish I don’t get sick EVER and I don’t have any of my clothes anyway you dumbass.” I explained slightly irritated

Chase smirked, “Well, you’ll just have to burrow my clothes, come on.” I rolled my eyes at this. As we were walking back to the house we continued to play 20 questions, “So, what are we gonna do?” I asked. “What are you talking about babygirl?” he questioned genuinely confused. “Us, won’t people think it weird that one day we hate each other and the next we’re boyfriend/girlfriend?” he chuckled. “The majority of the school population happens to be werewolves and with Trent’s big mouth the whole pack already knows you’re my mate.” He continued.

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