Chapter 13

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 Chapter 13_ Cabin

Jordan's P.O.V

“It’s beautiful Chase your parents sure have taste.” I stared in awe at the cabin, hidden deep in the confines of the beautiful forest. A simple one story house with a wraparound porch and a porch swing. “Yeah, my dad actually built it for my mum as a wedding present this thing is probably twenty years old.” I informed as we made our way into the cabin.

“It looks like it was built recently.” I claimed looking around the cabin; everything looked new as can be. “Yeah they don’t use it that much and they have maintenance keep in in the best shape, the last room to the left is our and the bathroom is the last room to the right.”

Walking into the room it was pretty big, king sized bed, black sheets, abstract walls and a white set of curtains to balance the room décor. Dropping down the bags I went straight to the curtains. Pulling them open I was presented with sliding doors leading to the porch, looking out I was stricken by the beauty of the lake. It looked magic. “So what do you wanna do we’ve got a few hours to kill before dark?” he asked kissing up my shoulder.

“Let’s go for a run I haven’t shifted since, I shifted.” I laughed. “You sure, I could think about something else just as fun.” He kissed up to behind my ear. I shook my head as I made my way towards the hallway. “You coming or what?” I asked. Pouting he ran over and picked me up then started to run for the backdoor.

“CHASE!!!!!” I whined as he put me down. “I can walk perfectly fine you know.” I pouted. Smiling he kissed the pout right off my face. “I know.” With that he proceeded to strip his clothes, turning around I made my way behind a tree so he wouldn’t see me.

After shifting into my wolf I jogged out to see Chase with his head on his paws facing my direction. Walking up I nuzzled his face ‘Last one to the lake is a rotten egg.’ With that I took off full speed towards the lake.

By the time Chase got there he was playfully growling at me ‘Unfair much?’ I grinned, my tongue falling out of my mouth. ‘Let’s go for a swim?’ he questioned nudging my head. Braking I jumped up and into the lake right after Chase. And let me tell you the water was cold as fu*k. We ended up swimming till it was dark and Chase with his over protective self, decided it was time to get back to the cabin.

We already changed into some comfy clothes, I was making dinner and Chase was just sitting there watching me. “See something you like babe?” I smirked. “Actually, yes. I see this hot, beautiful woman who I am proud to say is my mate. Looking sexy as fu*k in front of a stove” he smirked. “Good to know go put on a movie dinner’s almost finished.” I giggled.

Let’s just say dinner was a waste as soon as I got into the living room Chase attacked me with kisses, the dinner and movie long forgotten. Right now we were in a very intense make out session on the floor. “Maybe we should go somewhere comfier?” it was supposed to be a question but came out more as a moan.

“You sure about this babygirl?” he asked looking concerned. Smiling I nodded.


Waking up I was lying on top Chase’s chest. Last night was just….I can’t describe it, I was sore but at the same time I was happy that it was Chase and not anybody else. I was probably just lying there looking at Chase before he woke up.

“Mornin’.” His voice husky from sleep. “Good morning.” I greeted shy that I was naked in front of him. I tried covering up but he just pulled the covers completely off of my and pulling me to straddle him. “Hey, I don’t ever want you hiding from me. Your beautiful every part of you.” He whispered kissing my breast.

That’s how we spent the weekend. Every day we always did something, we took a hike, went fishing although all I caught was an old boot, do inappropriate things. We decided to spend the last day in to finish packing. “My mums gonna have a ball when she finds out we mated.” Chase chuckled. I blushed at the comment, “She better not start bugging me about grandkids too.” I pouted.

“She’s not gonna bug you, babygirl she gonna drive you crazy, she wanted a grandkid since…a long time, she’s probably gonna be worse than your mother.” He stated clearly thinking back on it. “Great.” I muttered.


2 Weeks later…

Chase was right when he said his mother was gonna be worse than my mother. “Lexi, hey you want to go out I gotta go grocery shopping and I miss talking to you.” I asked hopping she said yes. “Finally, I thought I was gonna have to kidnap you for some girl time.” She scolded. “I’ll meet you in ten.” With that I proceeded to get ready.

“This week is so terrible I just got my gift from Mother Nature and it’s being a b*tch” Lexi whined. I laughed throwing snacks into the cart, “I haven’t had mine yet, but then again I miss mine months at a time have you seen how almost small I am, Chase is like two and a half me’s.” I pouted.

“Pickles and….whip cream????” Lexi asked. I glared at her. “Jord’s you sure you’re not pregnant?” she asked looking suspicious. Sighing I looked down, “I don’t know maybe, there are some signs Chase doesn’t know he shut me off since we got back, and I think I did something wrong. What if I am Alex I don’t know how to raise a kid, what if CHase doesn't want it.” I started to freak out.

“Hey CALM DOWN!!!!!!!!!!” she shouted earning a few stares. After getting the rest of the groceries and went over to the drug store next door.

“Are there alpha pups on their way?” asked the cashier one off the middle aged pack member’s. “That’s what I’m about to find out, um can you keep quiet about this please I wanna be sure first.” I tried to be polite. “Don’t worry dear my lips are sealed.” I muttered a ‘thanks’ before running to the car.

“Go pee.” I did as the instructions said and waited and waited. “What it say let me see.” She pulled the stick from my hand. “I have to wait three more minutes.” I whispered.

Three agonizing minutes later I got my answer it was ……………………………………..


Short I know but, it had to be done. VOTE
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