Chapter 1

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  Chapter 1 -Home Again

Jordan's P.O.V

Okay, so straight to the point. My name is Jordan Danielle Riverson. I have long blonde hair with natural reddish streaks. My tan complexion which makes me look like a surfer and my ice blue eyes with specks of purple  are the two things I inherited from my father. My hair is the only thing I got from my mother. Enough of my personal life, this story is more about me and my supposed childhood enemy.

        After my constant begging, my parents finally gave in, mostly because they will do anything to get me out of their hair they never have time for me they are both lawyers. Just in case you’re wondering, I just got my parents to let me move back to my hometown in South Carolina. This is how it’s going to work out until graduation. Every month or so, my parents will send money to my credit card to buy the necessity: food clothes and my allowance. Just to make things clear, no I am definitely not a spoiled brat, I am the complete actually. I prefer to roll in the mud and play football in the rain while all the girls like to put on dresses and skirts along with a store worth of makeup. Yes in am a complete and utter tomboy, mostly because I am the only girl in the family. All I have is my brother Mark, along with my five boy cousins and my six uncles, 2 of which are married. Ever since I moved three years ago, I never got to hang with them as much, especially my brother whom has gone off to college by now, so I only got to see him on the weekends. But now that I’m finally moving back, I get to see and hang out with them more often.

      Okay, back to the story now. My parents left Saturday and today is Monday, my first day of school. Mum and dad only stayed for two days before leaving me, but I have already gotten used to being alone by now. Since the last time, Rockwood (made up name) has changed. Now, there are more people, buildings, houses ect… But what surprised me the most is that our house was never sold. This made me think of Chase Anderson, A.K.A, playboy, longtime enemy and neighbor. Today I was wearing jean shorts, a green top, my black converse with blue laces and my white wolves cap from when I played in Jersey (where I used to live). After getting dressed, I made my way to my motorbike (my baby), started it and headed for school, which was ten minutes, considering my awesome driving skills.

           When I got to school, all I did was take two steps off my bike and already, half the male population starts surrounding me, grabbing my stuff which I so kindly returned with a knee to the groin. Just as I was about to make my way to the main building, I felt an intense gaze to the back of my head. Me being the curious person I am, turns around to come face to face with none other than the one and only, Chase Anderson. Seeing Chase, I started to remember all those times he embarrassed me in front of all my friends, and remembering all those memories, it started to make me shake with anger. Before he could say anything, I turned around and quickly mad my way to the office to get my schedule and textbooks. Upon entering the office, the smell of brewing entered my nose. There behind the reception, sat a woman in about her mid-thirties. “Hi, I’m here to collect my stuff, Jordan Riverson?”

       The woman, whose name I learnt was Carolyn, quickly typed away on her keypad. After a minute or so, she went into her draw and retrieved a folder and about five textbooks. With a kind smile she said, “Welcome back Mrs. Riverson, It’s been quite a while.” I smiled at her and turned around and made my way to the hall, while checking my schedule. My six periods are: AP Math, Free Period AP Chemistry, Lunch, Art, AP History (World War 2) and Gym. Okay, I have to admit that the only subject I hate is Math. I might hate it and fall asleep during every class, but when exams come, I always pass with flying colours.

                           I quickly made my way to my first period. When I entered there was no teacher but as I was about to close the door, a woman stopped it and I opened it for her. I was assuming that she was the teacher. She told me that her name was Mrs. Everson and to take a seat. Looking around the class, there was one open seat that was unfortunately next to Chase. This just annoyed me to no end. Quickly but hesitantly, I made my way to the open seat. After taking out my books, I looked to my left seeing him staring at me with a smirk plastered on his face. Scowling, I turned my attention to my notebook and started to draw a picture of a wolf on a cliff, howling at the moon.

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