Chapter 14

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Chapter 14_Comfirmed.


Jordan’s P.O.V


“I can’t you do it.” I said shoving the test into Lexi’s hands. “Positive.” She gave a small smile. “What, no Lexi I can’t raise a kid I’m only eighteen, and what about Chase what if he hates me for being pregnant, what if I ruined our lives????” I was stressing.

 “Hey, you’re gonna get through this Jordan you’re stronger than any of us okay, and your mates of course he’s gonna want the baby. Just go tell him before he finds out, your scent would start to change in a week max.” Lexi encouraged. “Come on I’ll drop you over.”

After a car ride that seemed to last forever I was finally at the pack house, “Good luck Jordz, you can do it.” Whit those encouraging words Lexi left me to tell Chase the ‘news.’

Just breathe Jordan you can do this. I thought as I knocked on the door. “Not now!!!” I could hear him growling from here. Ignoring it I opened the door to reveal Chase behind his desk with papers pilling up to the ceiling. “It’s me we need to talk.” I whispered.

“Can it wait I’m busy.” He snapped. “What about tonight?” I tried my voice lowering. “Can’t I’m gonna be in a meeting with the Alpha from Night Shade pack.” He continued. “O….oh,…ok.” I stuttered. Quickly turning around I ran out the office, tears forming.

Running up to the bedroom I slammed it shut and jumped onto the bed, and cried myself to sleep. All that was on my mind was, why is Chase acting so cold all of a sudden????



Chase’s P.O.V


I made her cry. That was all I could think about, when she left the office I could hear her sobs. I broke her heart and now I feel like the world’s biggest jackas*. I was doing it to protect her. The night we came back from the cabin there was an envelope for me. In it were picture of when we were at the cabin, at the lake, the kitchen, the bedroom and there was a note:  I know where you are you can’t hide from me, be careful she just might go missing.

The one name I could think of, Hayden.  I wanted to protect her and locking her out was the best idea at the time now I feel like an idiot. *knock knock* the door opened and Trent came in, “Hey man what’s up with Jordan I could hear her crying from outside, what did you do?” He asked sitting in one of the chairs.

“I screwed up, BIGTIME.” I sighed, wiping my hand over my face. And I proceeded to explain what happened.

“You’re right man you are a jackas*, I know you want to protect her but that’s not how you do it.” Trent lectured. “I can’t say I know how it feels to have a mate cause I don’t have one. But, I can say this, you only GET one mate, you should treasure every moment cause some aren’t lucky to have forever, some aren’t even lucky to have a beginning.” He whispered to the end.

“Hey man, she’s out there, she’s probably just shy, just take a break that’s what I did and look Jordan appeared the next week, you’re looking too hard.” I tried. “Your right, anyway I think I should go up first, tell her what’s happening.” He stated walking up to the door.

“Thanks man.” I smiled sadly. “No prob bro you’d do the same for me to aye.” I laughed nodding, with that he left.

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