Chapter 9

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Chapter 9_The Truth

Jordan’s P.O.V

                                                        Beep . . . . Beep . . . . Beep . . . . Beep

I awoke to the sound of Chase’s alarm clock blaring out for me to wake up. Just as I was about to get up to take it off, I was beaten to it by Chase rolling over and throwing it across the room, breaking into a million pieces. “And here they thought I was the weird one to throw it out the window.” I mumbled. “Chase, you up come on we gotta meet my parents.” I said shaking him slightly. After a while with him not responding I started to lose my patience so I kneeled next to him on the bed. Using as much force as I could, I pushed him off the side of the bed. “What the fuck was that for?!” he shouted angry for being woken up.

“Dude we’ve gotta go see my parents in case you forgot and it’s like almost lunch.” I stated looking at my iPhone. “Right.” He mumbled walking into the bathroom. Walking over to my suitcase which I have yet to unpack I pulled out a pair of denim shorts, a blue and black top and my snapback along with my underwear. Chase was still in the shower so I decided to use the one in the hall. I had time to make breakfast and eat before Chase arrived. “You’d think you were a girl with the amount of time you took.” I smirked. “It takes time to look this handsome you know.” He joked flipping his imaginary hair back. “Hurry up and eat we need to get going.” I ordered. “Yes mother.” He saluted before digging into his food.

Chase had gone into his office to retrieve his phone when the doorbell rung, so I decided to answer it.  Opening the door I came face to face with a girl around our age wearing the shortest and smallest skirt and top I have ever seen. Looking up her face was practically caked in make- up, you know the average whore. “Who are you?” She snapped. “Can I help you?” I asked ignoring her question. “Where’s Chase?” she asked rather rudely. “Who wants to know?” I smirked. “His pregnant girlfriend.” She smirked at my shocked expression.

She didn’t even wait for me to let her in she just pushed me side, then I remembered what Chase told me about how the alphas process to reproduce was different. “Chasey poo guess what you’re gonna be a daddy, I’m pregnant!!!” she squealed jumping into Chase’s arms but ended up on the floor. “Nice try but that kid isn’t mine Stacey we’re not mates.” He snapped. “Of course it is and we are mates.” She argued still on the floor. “Like I said nice try but Jordan is my mate not you.” He stated walking over to me and pulling me into a tight embrace.

“She’s only using you for your title. Think about your unborn child.” She said giving the worst puppy dog face I have ever seen. “In case you never paid attention in class Stacey, the elders made it so that Alphas can only get their TRUE soul mate are pregnant and my scent isn’t even on you telling me you’re lying. Now get off my land before you regret it” he growled. As soon as Stacey left I burst out laughing not able to keep it in anymore. “That… must have…been the….most desperate….thing I ever saw.” I spoke between laughs. “Come on your parents are waiting.” He was annoyed but amused at my reaction.

When we got to the house Mark was waiting outside on the porch arms crossed looking bored as ever. “Finally, first you put dye in my conditioner which took a WEEK to get out now you have me waiting out here for half an hour waiting for you guys.” Mark whined. “Bet you looked good with purple aye, next time you’ll think before you paint my bike HOT fucking PINK!!!!” I bit back. “That was only because you pulled my sleeping bag into the lake .WHILE I WAS STILL IN IT!!!!” he argued. “Well that was because you practically made me an omelet last summer, who told you to drown me in eggs.” We continued to bicker until my parents broke us apart.

“Ehm.” Dad fake coughed. “Sorry dad.” We apologized in unison. “Daddy’s girl.” He teased. “Mummy’s boy.” I snickered. “Jordan honey, it’s great to see you,” mum said softly, “We’re sorry.” She continued. “I hope you have a good explanation why you guys are never home.” I mumbled. “Let’s go inside.” dad spoke up. When we were seated dad started to explain, “Okay so I’m sure Chase told you about werewolves?” Dad asked, I nodded. “Well in the pack we’re researchers we research the werewolf genes we also train pups in other packs to fight simple self- defense.” He continued to explain. “Now that explains Jordan’s crazy fighting skills runs in the family two fights less the two days.” Chase explained. Both parents sighed, “How many time have we talked about this Jord’s you can’t beat up every girl you don’t like.” Mum groaned. “I don’t just the ones who dresses like a hoe and acts like a bitch.” I argued.

“Language.” Dad scolded. “Plus one of the dudes I beat was a boy.” I smiled triumphantly everyone sighed. “High-five baby sis.” Mark shouted. “Anyway we flew in because Chase  as you know the Alpha had us replaced so we could stay here and see you more than a few times a year.” Mum smiled. “So what are you gonna do?” I asked.

“Well, your dad and I are gonna resume our old job as researches here in Rockwood.” They grinned. “Cool, so where’s the food?” I questioned. “Cool, so where’s the food?” I questioned. Mum just rolled her eyes, “Come on, lunch is almost ready you’ll help me set up.”

I was taking down the dishes when mum asked, “So when are you and Chase gonna mate.” I almost dropped the dishes right there, but I should be used to this by now this is like the third time I’ve been asked that. I gave her a look, “What I want grandbabies.” She pouted. “That’s what Mark is for.” I informed. “But he has the mind of a three year old well, you do to but he doesn’t have his mate yet.” She whined.

After we were finished eating mum and da though it was fun to tell Chase all the embarrassing stories from when I was younger, “Oh ,remember when she ran around stark naked because she didn’t want a bath.” Mum chuckled. “And when Mark said she looked like a princess.” “No, Jordan ended up giving him a black eye and a nose bleed when she was twelve.” Dad grinned. “So who’s up for some tackle football?” Mark asked. “Sure.” I agreed. Chase just shook his head, “Looks like it’s just us brother.” I grinned evilly. “I guess so.” He smirked.

“I’m gonna get a rematch one of these days sweet baby sister.” Mark growled after he lost to me of course and Chase may or may not have helped me a little. We spent the entire evening there, by the time Mark and I finished our never ending cheating game. “Bye guys see ya later.” I waved. By the time we got home it was around nine.

“You know I’m only gonna be able to hold off of marking you for so long.” Chase informed. We were on the floor of his room watching television. I straddled him looking him straight in the eye, “Then do it, mark me.” I urged. He shook his head, “I don’t want to rush you into anything you’re not ready for.” He argued. “I am ready Chase I’m not afraid I want this we both do.” I continued. “Are you sure?” he asked hesitant. I nodded my head, leaning forwards and kissing him.

After our short make-out session I felt Chase’s canines extract and sink into where my neck and shoulder met. Trust me when I say it hurt like a motherf*cker, “Chase stop it really hurts.” I cried. Before I knew it his canines disappeared and he lapped up the leaking blood as he held my close to his chest. Reaching up all I felt was what felt like a swollen spot, “When it heals all you’ll feel is pleasure when I touch there.” He smirked a little wiping away my tears. “What is it going to look like?” I asked forgetting about my pain. He smiled, “We won’t know till it heals.” “Awwwww.” I whined suddenly sleepy. He laughed, “Go sleep the mark needs to heal.” “No funny business or it’s off with your head.” I mumbled into his chest, he laughed.

“Rest up we’re going out tomorrow and no I’m not telling you.” With that I fell asleep thinking what my mark might look like.

Guys do you think I’m going too fast with this book I really don’t know please tell me, right now I’m doubting this book sooooo much I just want to delete it and never think about it again. Advice needed please.= c

V  O T E

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                                                                                                                          F A N  

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