Chapter 10

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Chapter_10- The Shift

Jordan’s P.O.V

“Not, going too happened.” Chase answered once again. After being rudely awaken this morning Chase practically shoved me into the car refusing to answer where we were going.  “Stubborn idiot.” I thought. “I heard that.” He smirked. I forgot when he marked me our mind-link was activated. “You were supposed to.” I snapped groggily. Looking out the window all I saw were trees blurring by, I love nature and all but if I see any more trees I swear I’ll go crazy. After a while I drifted back to dreamland.

“Babygirl wake up we’re here.” Chase whispered shaking me gently. Opening my eyes I notice we were at the old racing track underground. “Didn’t think I’d ever be here again.” I spoke up looking around, everything looked the same except for the new cars. “Finally I thought you guys were doing the dirty.” Matt snickered up emerging from the crowd in front of us with Alex and mark in tow.

“Hahaha very funny.” I sneered playfully. “Come on the other are waiting for you in the garage. It wasn’t until we got to the garage did I notice mark’s arm wrapped protectively around Alex’s waist. ‘Chase, are they mates?’ I asked hopefully. He nodded I could have danced in my underwear. At least mum won’t pester me into giving her grandkids I thought. Chase chuckled shaking his head slightly. Guess he heard that. He nodded.

“Oh MY FU*KING GOD HE MARKED YOU???” Trent squealed like the girl he was. Here we go. “I thought dad and I made it clear, you’re not allowed to date, mate, marry, kiss or hug until you were fifty.” Mark growled. “Really so I guess I’ll just tell dad it was you who broke the laptop and not me for once.” I smirked. “Fine fine you win but, ----OMFH---- never mind.” He murmured when Alex elbowed him in the stomach.

“Sooooo when did he mark you? Did you guys mate? Wait I would have smelt it, Duhh, can we see it pretty please.” Jamie pouted. Carefully I pulled my hair aside so they could see it properly not wanting to touch it. Everyone gasped while Chase looked smug, “What??” I asked. “Did you not look in the mirror this morning girl Chase’s name is practically printed onto your neck!!” Jessie (Jessica) giggled bouncing up and down.

“Great now everybody knows about us.” I sighed dramatically. Chase growled. “Come on guys the races are about to start and Jordan’s up first.” Ty whined. “Then what are we waiting for let’s race!!” I announced.

After the first few races eventually the others were all racing we raced until lunch. By then I had been in about seventeen race and won over five hundred thousand dollars. Yep these people had money to blow. “I’m hungry.” Ty and I whined in unison. “ME too let’s go to McDonalds.” Alex suggested.

When we finally got our food and a few stares we were finally back at the pack house. “So who’s up for some FOOTBALL?!” Matt hollered. “I think I’ll sit this one out everywhere hurts.” I complained. Ever since lunch my bones felt like they were about to break literally.

“Aren’t you going to wish me good luck?” Chase smirked. ”Naww I’m good.” I brushed off smirking. I was about to sit on one of the tree branches when Chase spun me around and boldly kissed me before making his way over to the boys, leaving a huffing me behind.

Half way through the game everywhere started to hurt I couldn’t take the pain any more. Without warning my wrist snapped out of place causing me to scream. In a flash Chase had me down from the tree my body flat on the floor while my head was cradled on his lap. “What’s happening?”  I screamed. After sharing a look with the others Chase proceeded to answer me, “Babygirl you’re having your first shift.” He gave a pained smile seeing me in pain as my other wrist snapped out of place.

“But, I’m not supposed to shift until my birthday and that’s next …next month.”  I cried. “The mark must have set off her shift early.” Mark whispered looking on the verge of tears.  “It’s going to be okay babygirl.” He whispered kissing my head. I could tell it was going to be one long evening, I was sweating and the pain was unbearable.


“Chase I can’t take it anymore !!!” I cried my bones were aching. “Don’t worry just one more bone and it’s all over.” He kissed my head. After four painful hours of my screaming and Chase trying to comfort me I finally shifted into a beautiful white wolf with a black tip on my right ear the exact opposite of Chase whose wolf was black with a white tip on his left ear. He quickly shifted into his wolf then ran into the woods, leaving me there to follow him.

I started off slowly getting used to my new body. My senses were sharper than before. I could hear up to the waterfall. My sight was better defined and I could smell  everything. It was great like a new me.

We ended up at the waterfall from the other day it just gets more beautiful every day. “Here” he smiled giving me his shirt he’d already shifted back into his human form and was wearing a pair of basketball shorts. “Just think of your human form.” He ordered. I ran behind a tree and after ensuring Chase wasn’t looking I proceeded to shift back. It was actually really easy. Even in my human from my senses were better defined than before. I quickly put on the shirt which stopped just below my butt. Great.

Walking out I saw Chase lying down with his eyes closed. I quickly jumped into his chest while his arms pulled me closer to him. “Your tense, what’s the matter?” I asked. “Nothing just some Alpha business.” Lie. I rolled onto my stomach and glared at him. “I just went through four hours of pain, Chase, I think you should at least tell me what’s going on.” I continued.

He sighed, “There have been more rogue sightings than usual, when we track them at one point or another they run into Hayden’s territory. I think he’s been planning something and I don’t like it. Starting Monday your starting wolf training with Matt and Tyler, I’m not risking you being taken without putting up a fight.” He all but growled. “I won’t have him catch me off guard, right now I’m training all pack warriors and those old enough to fight for war.” He inhaled my scent where he marked me.

“Well, like it or not I’ll be there right next to you fighting.” My tone was one not to mess with. “Besides nobody messes with you but me.” I smirked as he rolled on top of me but keeping his weight off me.

“Stop that it tickles.” I giggled causing Chase to laugh as well. Before I knew it his lips were on mine I quickly responded, the kiss was full of lust. I needed to stop seeing as I was only wearing a shirt with no underwear. “Come on Chase.” I murmured as he kissed up my neck to my jaw bone making me moan.

“You mind telling me why I feel like jumping your bones it’s annoying.” I groaned. He smiled against my jaw, “That’s the start of the third step of the mating process for you, your shift must have triggered something.” I looked up into his forest green eyes they held nothing but love. “So how long is this going to last?” I interrogated. “Until we actually mate.” He smirked. “Great.”

“We better get back to the house it’s late.” We both shifted and raced back to the house and Chase being Chase last minute he jumped onto me but did it so I landed on his wolfy chest. “There you guys are finally, Jordan your wolf is hot, now get both your fury butts up to your room shift and come back to the living room  we are playing a game I like to call “never have I ever.” Jessie announced.

‘Something tells me this is going to be a longggggggg night.’ I groaned.


V  O T E

                                                                                                  C O M M E N T

                                                                                                                        F A N   =)

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