21 • Scaring her

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Mishti :)

After the reception night, I called my Mom and said her to stay with me for some days. I wanted to spend time with her, but more than anything I just wanted to make her feel happy. And it's been two weeks, she's staying with me.

It was the end of December, so everyone came here to my rent house, we all celebrated Christmas and New year together. For the first time, I celebrated these days with my whole family . It really went well.

I was little sad because Rajvansh had too invited me to their house party on new year day, but I didn't go. But I am happy, these two weeks were really good. But in these two weeks neither I met Abir nor had a talk with him.

"Mam, do you have any visiting card? They are asking for some security check!" I came out of my zone when I heard the cab driver calling me.. Nodding my head I gave him the visiting card of Rajvansh company and the guard let us come inside the boundary..

Actually I came here to have a talk with Abir , as I can't go to his house,because my chacha went to his house to meet Sekhar uncle . He too can't come to my house, as Mom is staying with me. Of course it was not like, I missed him and came here to see him. It's just that Rajvansh cousins have planned a trip to North India and Northeast India and they want me to join them.

At the same time my college staff have planned a picnic to Dubai as we finally got some time, all exams are over and boards are just after two months so student won't come to college. And just fifteen lectures are going on a picnic,others are in college only.. I would have joined them, but Sam won't go with me as she will go with her cousins and I really can't enjoy anything as Rohan will be there. He is behaving really weird and desperate nowadays.

I had never experienced camping and all. So I agreed with Sam when she pleaded me to join them. Though she didn't force me, she just want me to join them. Even Aadarsh bhai and Sameer bhai called me for this, I could not have a proper conversation with them as Mom was with me.

And in afternoon Abir came to my college to pick up Sam and gave me the visiting card and said me to come to his office so that we can discuss about it. My Mom's driver was there so we couldn't talk.

Yesterday I had a talk with Adi in message regarding the trip things and he said me to go with them . Deep down I want to go with them. It's just three months of me knowing Rajvansh, but I feel safe and secure with them and of course happy .

Paying the money to the driver, I got out of the car. It's around 6.00PM. I have told Mom that I came to Adi's house, but the reality is different.

My eyes sparkled in amusement as my gaze fell on the surrounding. The exterior design is totally breath taking. I took a deep breath as I headed towards the entry .

As I took my feet on the last stair, the glass door got opened and I got inside it. My breathe became unusual as my gaze fell on the interior design, it was so classy and eye-catching ..I was admiring the view in front of me until I heard an unfamiliar voice. I turned around to see the person, it was one of their guard.

"How can I help you? Actually the receptionist is not present at this time, so I am doing her work, " he said in a polite way .

"Actually I want to meet Abir umm Abir Rajvansh, " I said showing him the card Abir has given me. He took a glance of it and said me to follow him.

"25 th floor, " he uttered as I got inside the elevator. I nodded and he left. The elevator stopped and I stepped out of it. A guard was there too, I showed him the card. He said me to take left.

There were ten to twelve people sitting on sofa, which was placed outside of a door. ABIR RAJVANSH, it was written on the door. So it was his chamber.. A man who seems like a employee, came to me as his gaze fell on me.

INTERTWINED FATE ~ A MishBir saga Where stories live. Discover now