Shopping Mall And The BOyS

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We reached the mall in about 10 minutes. The movement I stopped my car Lucas jumped outside like literally jumped, kept his hands on his knees, and started breathing heavily. I got outside, closed the door went near Lucas kept my hand on his back, and asked
"Are you fine"

"I am I fine... I am I fine??? Who the fuck drives so fast and that to without warning and covers 30 minutes road in just 10 minutes??" He said while still breathing heavily and his voice was so low I almost couldn't hear it but I knew he was angry and he was literally yelling at me. Fun

"Language," I said smiling while rubbing his back

" Language my ass," he said

" language again and I did warn you to wear your seat belt, you were the one who ignored my warning," I said while shrugging my shoulders

" anyways let's sit in the car a----" I continued but he didn't let me complete and shouted "Noooo... I am never sit in that car of yours again. Never. "   and went and sat on the ground lying his back on the car opposite to mine

"geez, fine calm down, I am fine with you not sitting in my car more than happy " I replied, I opened the passenger door and sat inside so I can still look at Lucas and see if he is doing fine.


After about 15-20 minutes Luca and kayden arrived
" What happened to this creature over here," Luca asked me with his hands in his pocket, as he walked towards us.

" no idea he has been acting weirdly," I said smiling at Lucas as he was glancing at me

"oh get up we are getting late " kayden as he helped Lucas up

We went to the mall from the basement 

" so sis which store do you want to go to first? " kayden asked me

"I don't know I am fine with anything " I replied

" let's go to Gucci then? " Luca said by the look of it he loves Gucci, he is literally wearing Gucci clothes and belt right now. Saved in mind for future gifts

" Okay " I replied 

We went into the store and the boys got me anything and everything I looked for more than 5 seconds

"you don't have to get me so many things," I said

" It's nothing you still have to get comfortable clothes all you got here is belts and suits "  Lucas replied

" oh please everything here is your choice," I said

" We got everything you, liked," Luca asked

"That's where you go, wrong brother, just BECAUSE I LOOK AT SOMETHING FOR MORE THAN 5 SECONDS DOESN'T MEAN I LIKE THAT THING," I said yelling at the last part

" you didn't like them," kayden asked with puppy eyes

"I did, but it's way too much," I said looking at all of them with soft eyes

"that's settled then we are getting you everything," kayden said normally,  fuck fell for his puppy eyes

I let out a deep sigh and said "fine "

My brothers took all the bags and went near the exit when the cashier said " you are lucky to have brothers like them "
" I know, thank you," I told her and left

We were going to our next store when a group of boys passed by us whistling at me, I tried to ignore them and went forward but they stopped all of us ( kara and her brothers ) " oh sexy where are you going in such a hurry ?" the guy in between the others said

"none of your business, fuck off," I said

"spicy, you know what else would be spicy? You naked on my bed " he said and his friends started hooting. I was calm, I have heard more hurtful things than that but my brother's blood was boiling. Luca was about to hit that guy when I said " Luca not now " "but " Luca started but my one glance was enough to stop him " let's go " I said and we started to walk away but that fucker wanted my fist so he said " yea take that bastard away from my beautiful soul "  I went back punched him on his face which made him lose his balance and he fell down, I grabbed his collar and said " say something bad about my brother again and you will regret being born " I said and he nodded his head
" get it, " I asked raising my voice " ye--yes I get it," he said in a low voice. I left his collar and started moving towards the next store as if nothing happened and my brothers stayed close behind we shopped more then I looked at their faces they were hungry. " go have something I can shop by myself" I said "no we will be with you " Lucas said but his stomach disagreed. "If you are worried about me then Luca can stay with me you both and eat something you look like you're about to die, "I said and Luca nodded they didn't waste a second and ran to the food court and I and Luca went to my store amate, of course, no one knew who I was. I looked around the store was divided into many parts as in my store you can get the cheapest to the most costly items and that too in every category. I send Luca to get me a dress while I go buy my inner wears it was not as awkward as I thought it will be. Then we went to the cashier

" Please bill this for us," I said
She did her work and gave us the bill and asked " cash or card "
"card" Luca and went to his pocket to get the card but he realized he gave his card to kayden in the last store
" my card is with kayden let me go fetch it," he told me, and before I could say anything the cashier spoke "fake people these days just wasting my time"
" Excuse me," Luca said
"What, get the fuck out before I call security,"  she said
" Luca can you go get the other dress you showed I would like to buy it," I said as I pushed my black card in front of her she looked like she has seen a ghost. Luca smirked and went to get the dress while I stayed there
" I don't think amate( even in legal business I never gave my original name and people assumed that my name was amate so amate it is ) will like it if you throw her best friend out of her shop now will she ?" I asked her
"I am sorry ---what ma'am," she asked me
I texted Adrian to fire the cashier
"you're fired check your phone," I said in a cold tone and she immediately checked it
" I am so sorry ma'am please don't fire me how will I live " she started begging me
"you apologize to my brother, do the billing, and leave silently, you will have a chance to find a job somewhere else but if you try to do anything funny or cry in front of my brother I will make sure your name is in the blacklist and you can never get a job again not even as a sweeper, "  I said with a smile.
"Is this the one kara? " Luca asked from behind even tho he knew that was the one
"yes, "I told. The cashier did her work and we went out
" so, how did you fire her?" Luca asked with a smirk

Hey, hope you like this chapter
Enjoy and have a nice day 💖

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