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Kara pov****

I sat next to hawk 

"Missed me so much that you want to be next to me, " He whispered

"Don't get too excited papa or Elijah made servants remove extra chairs, I thought hawks are supposed to have good eyesight " I whispered back with the fakest smile ever 

he was going to tell something when the maids brought in pasta, risotto, soup, polenta, casserole, and wine. I looked at Kayden he had just taken a sip of wine others didn't mind they were busy in their own conversations. The only person who seemed to notice was hawk,

"It's pretty normal to start drinking after you turn 16," he whispered looking at my confused face 

"Isn't  Angelo like a health freak how is he allowing Kayen to drink ?" I whispered back 

" Kayden is limited to only one glass. It's better if he drinks one glass here than go outside and drink bottles " he whispered and took a sip from his glass 

"Excuse me " I called the maid slowly so no one notices but did it happen no. Everyone was looking at me I choose to ignore them and told the maid "Can you take this and get me any non-alcoholic juice if available " and passed her the glass of wine. She took that and asked, "We can make you a chocolate milkshake or we even have orange juice what would you like miss ?" "milkshake would be fine thank you, " I told her. I looked back to see Elijah, Aiden, Angelo, Lucas, and Luca looking at me. I raised my eyebrows asking them what happened but before they could reply Kayden took a loud sip, I looked at him sorry glared at him. He started coughing and then said "you can take this and get me a milkshake too" and gave the maid his glass too. Everyone except Kayden laughed and I just smiled at him. After that dinner went quite alright but I was thinking of how to get the bracelet before 12.

Augustus pov****

She looked different from morning, she looked as if she is going to some business meeting instead of dinner with family friends.

She sat next to me, It gave me butterflies in my stomach If she wasn't already perfect enough she refused to wine even If it was served to her. If I was her age I would have drank the wine without a sound. She seems so mature on the outside but I know it's not true the way she asked for a milkshake just shows that then the way she glared at Kayden we he was drinking wine just shows that she cares even if she doesn't remember the past, I just took one sip of the wine while talking to her then didn't even touch the glass.  She seems to be thinking about something the whole dinner 

Kara pov***

we finished our dinner apparently there are desserts but we were all full so we decided to eat them later we went to the backyard to burst crackers. Everyone was enjoying but Alvaro was just sitting on the swing and smiling at us. I went near him and sat there 

"Beautiful Isn't it," he asked smiling

" I am not sure what your talking about, Is it the cracks in the sky or your wife you can't seem to take your eyes off her " I joked 

"Both," he said honestly and I just nodded smiling looking at my family, a new word to me but a close word

"Do they know?" he asked my heart dropped 

"Do they know what? " I asked faking my confidence 

"you can't hide it forever Kara or should I say Ms. Amate ?" he asked not looking at me 

"how did you know ?" I asked 

"Yesterday when we met I had this feeling, today you just confirmed it but my son seems to be foolish enough not to realize about it," he said and both of us laughed 

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