Family Time And The Secret

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The lights turned on before I could turn and see who switch them on, I was pulled in a hug, Elijah I would tell by the way he smelled, rich lavender smell. The way I felt protected I knew it was Elijah. He held on to me so tight, my face was buried in his chest. He was holding a gun, and he didn't want me to see it so I didn't fight back, and I heard a few more footsteps I am assuming others are also here.
" It's you, " Elijah said with a relaxed sigh putting his gun back inside. He didn't release me but loosened his grip
" umm yea, sorry didn't want to scare my little sweetheart here but I guess when you see two unknown men in your house you get scared. " the guy who I didn't hit told scratching the back of his neck
" kara what are you doing here at this time? " Angelo asked
" I came to fill my water bottle, I was thirsty," I told him and he nodded " do you know them, " I asked "oh, yes meet my friend benjamin and his brother William--- wait where is he I heard him yelling, " Elijah said, I and Benjamin shared a look and smile sheepishly. The guy I hit William I guess was behind the counter you could not see him from where we stood. " oh God what did you do again " Elijah asked looking into my eyes " I didn't do anything it was self-defense  " I started " like fuck it was, you broke my nose " William got up from the ground holding his bleeding nose " hey, it was your mistake too, you shouted first " I said shrugging my shoulders " kara " Elijah said slowly but in a warning tone.  "I am sorry," I said this time a bit softly. I noticed Williams's eyes soften he was about to say something when Lucas said " don't worry Bambina he deserves it " " right he did shout first and scar you "  Benjamin continued " hey, you guys are supposed to be my brother," William said and pointed towards Benjamin " and friend " he continued and pointed towards Lucas. " you can't blame them for liking the better person here," I said with a smirk. " you fu---" he started to run and ran the other side why do I get deja vu " fucking shit? " I asked running " language," everyone including William and Benjamin told " yeah yeah whatever, why are you guys so scared of Elijah he is so nice, " I said still running from William. Suddenly it was dead silence, Will ( William ) stopped chasing me. I looked back at Elijah he had a straight face but I could see his lips had curled up a bit he was smiling " you are nice right Eli " I asked with my puppy eyes " of course Bambina " he had a huge smile on his face everyone was shocked maybe because you don't see an Italian capo smiling daily, Will started to chase me again, I ran toward ben( Benjamin) and hugged him from behind he was huge, he held my hand and with a warning look "you better not trouble my little Angel William " he told Will. I bend to see that Will had stopped, I put my tongue out at him and heard a few giggles, Ben pulled me in front of him and sat on his knees so we could look into each other's eyes, trust me I am not short but he was huge " hello, I am Benjamin, your nice Elijah's best friend. Nice to meet again kara " he said sweetly " hello ben I am kara nice to meet you too although I don't remember when I meet you first " I replied polity
" it's okay we can make new memories right? " ben asked 
" of course " I replied with a smile. Will came near me he sat on his knees as well " William " he said fake angry he was cute " hi, I am your biggest nightmare " I said with a smirk and heard my brother laugh " see and you scold me every time " Will whined " shut up " Ben told him
" okay, enough of this " Elijah handed me a water bottle " go to sleep before papa wakes or else he will kill all of us because we disturbed his sleep " he continued I nodded at him " good night everyone " I said and they all replied back except Will. " good night Will, " I said with a smile. I don't know when was the last time I smiled so much " good night " he said fake pouting. I went into my room and led onto my bed. My eyes started feeling heavy and I slept.

I woke up the next morning to sunlight falling on my face, I starched my hand and looked at the clock 11:50 am. I have not had much sleep in such a long time. I got up from my bed then went to the bathroom and took a bath. I wore

I went down to find all my brothers and papa in the living room

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I went down to find all my brothers and papa in the living room

" Good afternoon everyone," I told and heard more afternoon's in reply " slept well ?" Aiden asked as he bought me waffles from the kitchen " great " I side with my mouth full of waffles. " slow down " Luca said with a giggle " since we all are here let's go watch the movie " Kayden said, me and Lucas immediately agreed and convinced other soon after  ...


We watched 3 movies I was so sleepy for some reason that I slept on Aiden's shoulder while watching the 3rd movie. It was interesting but sleep was more important, at least to me...

I woke up five minutes ago but I am too lazy to open my eyes. " I have a match today, I have to leave in half an hour," kay said " yes, we will also come it's your first match after a year," Lucas said excited, why do I know their emotions without even looking at them. " you sure what about kara," kay asked " It's okay I have increased the security we can't tell her about mafia right now. Even if she looks happy I know there is one part of her that hasn't trusted us yet. So we will have to wait before telling her everything. For today we will tell her that we have a business meeting and come home late " Eli told and heard a few got it and okay's in return " hmmm " I said rubbing my eyes its time to bring back actress Kara to act " you awake angel, " Angelo asked "hmm" I said turning over to his side and sleeping on his arm so it looks like I just woke up.  " Kara wake up its 6 already, " Aiden said I rubbed my eyes again and finally opened my eyes they all looked at me with so much love I feel bad now " kara, we have a business meeting all of us will return late, a maid will prepare food for you go have and then sleep don't stay awake for a long time okay," papa said " can I come to, " I said I know they will not allow but it only feels right if I ask that question otherwise they might be suspicious " You will just get bored there, maybe next time okay " Elijah asked me  " okay, see you all tomorrow morning," I said sadly as I got from the seat and left without waiting for there reply. I know they feel bad now but you can't just expect me to be all happy and as okay. When I reached my room I took my mafia phone and  called Adrian

" Hello "

" yes, donna any problem " he asked calling me donna because of the mafia phone

" nothing, I want to fight today, check where Sole is fighting "

"you want to fight with your brother??"

" no just check were he is fighting and I want to fight at the same place but in different rings I don't want to hurt him "

" got it what time "

I looked at the time 6:12 and said "after 7:45" dinner is ready at 7 so to reach there I will some time

" okay, see you at the stadium, I will send the address"

" got it thanks " I said and hung up

Elijah pov ***

I feel so bad after lying to her, she was so sad  I am sorry Luna some other time......

Hey hope you enjoyed the chapter .....

Do you think she is warming up to her brothers to quickly ?? Let me know so I can think how to write the next chapter

All so grateful for your wonderful comment thank you so much for the support.

Do you think I should change the book cover if you have ideas please send the images to me. I would really appreciate it. Thank u again

Bye - bye

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