Slave Bee

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We entered the cafeteria and all heads turned towards us. As we were passing the tables to get our lunch, some of them whispered, some greeted me, and the rest were either smiling at me or looking at me in fear. I nodded towards the people who greeted me or smiled at me. I greeted the head cafeteria chef. Who was serving, he was a man in his late 40.

He gave me an extra side dish, " thank you " I told him
" nevermind, it's good having good kids for once, all the students here are brats just spending their parent's money like water," he said waving his left hand in front of himself

" Hey, we are not brats Mr.Bing," Em and Ish said at the same time

"Sure kids but she is better," he told, and both he and I started laughing. after taking what we wanted for lunch, we went and sat at an empty table. We were chatting and eating when I heard the clicking of heels behind me. I didn't bother looking back as she was talking to someone on the table behind the table I was sitting on.

" You fucker who told you, you can sit on my table " the person behind me screamed at someone. Her voice was annoying as fuck. Why do I smell slave bees. Slave bee because I don't wanna disrespect Queen bees over the world

" so--sor---sorry --ma--maam I ---di--d know, " a guy said probably the person who slaves bee yelled

" Oh, sweetheart, you have to be punished," she said and then I heard 2 girls laughing probably her friends. Everyone stopped eating and were looking terrified at what was happening

" strip," she said "I am sorry ma'am it won't happen again" he begged, ' what's her problem' I mouthed Em and Ish. They shook their heads telling me to stay quiet. But did I do it no

" I SAID STRIP YOU FUCKER" She yelled and was about to slap him. I got up from my seat and held her wrist, stopping her from hitting the guy " that's enough" I told in a warning tone. " and who the fuck are you. The juniors this year have a lot of guts to mess with me " she asked pulling her hand back.  " I am not interested in telling who I am nor I am interested in knowing whoever the fuck you are, " I told crossing my hands on my chest and standing like a wall between this bitch and the guy. I heard a few gasps and laughter " shut the fuck up " she shouted again and the cafeteria went dead silent. " Aren't you speaking too much girl" she yelled " the last time I check I have the basic freedom to talk, whereas you darling could go to jail if my friend here" I started "what is your name? " I asked the guy "harry," he told " right my friend harry over here can put harassment charges on you. And you will definitely go to jail since there is a camera here" I continued with a smirk. I noticed kayden, luca, and Lucas along with friends came in and were watching us "break that camera" she ordered one of her minions and she did as she was told. " oh sad, what are you gonna do now the camera is broken " she told in a childish voice but I didn't reply I was just standing there, still smirking " what are you smirking at bitch " she said and was about to slap me ' bingo just what I wanted ' the girls ( em and Ish ) stood up and boys( kara's brothers and their friends)  started running to save me but before that, I held her wrist with one hand and slapped her with other. It happened in a split of second that everyone were shocked except me. Slave bee kept her hand on her cheek I hit her on, " you bitch " shouted, and was going to hit me again but I just bend backwards folding my hands on my chest again. I was smirking while she was getting more and more pissed off. She tried again, doesn't this bitch learn "that's enough " Luca said in a cold tone " Luca honey you saw that right, she hit me, punish her " she started as she ran to Luca and held onto his arm " Yes, Luca hun you should punish me " I said everyone except my brothers where shocked that I called Luca hun. Kayden and Lucas were controlling their laughs and Luca was annoyed. " You started it bitch " he said and pushed her away " you just wait," she said in ran out. "thank you, " harry said " I didn't do much, " I told him. Luca and his friend group walked over to me. " you fine ?" Luca asked as he put a strand of my hair behind my ears and guess what everyone gasped again

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