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"Edgar," Lenore groaned as she floated through the closed and likely locked door of her roommates' study.

"Leave me alone Lenore. I am busy," Edgar responded without looking up from the paper he was writing on with a long quill even though Lenore had pointed out to him countless times that pens existed and were much easier.

"So you are alive," Lenore stated, crossing her arms over her chest as she rounded around Edgars large wooden desk to peer over his shoulder at what he was writing. "Anna Banana was certain you had to be dead. She forced me to come check on you."

At the mention of Annabel Lee Edgar immediately looked up, his writing suddenly forgotten. "You were talking with the beautiful Annabel Lee?" he asked.

"Well duh. I need someone to hang out with since you're totes boring."

"I am not boring. I am busy. I can't just live in someone's home for free. I need to make money so that I can pay my rent," Edgar pointed out.

"Well at least you are alive," Lenore shot. "And excuse me for not being able to control where I am bound to for eternity. You were the one who chose to move into here while I was very happily enjoying the empty space. If anything I should be mad at you for being here."

Edgar Allen Poe had moved into Krishanti's apartment a few weeks after she had died. Honestly Lenore had never paid much attention to what Krishanti was doing in the main area of the apartment, she preferred to hide in the attic or down in the coffee shop of the lower level of the building where she could scare customers and talk with the shop owner, Annabel.

Lenore had been prepared to scare away anyone going into the apartment for a tour with the landlord but that had never happened and suddenly one day Edgar had been moving in alone and packing his writing stuff into the spare bedroom and hanging thick dark curtains over all of the windows.

She had tried all of the haunting techniques she knew on Edgar, but he had ignored almost all of them in his first week of living in the apartment. Finally one day after she had literally floated through him, which she usually tried to not do because even as a ghost she thought that was a bit weird, Edgar had finally looked up at her and questioned why she was in his house and told her to leave him alone while he wrote.

Accepting that Edgar would not be someone to be scared by her haunting techniques Lenore instead decided that he would have to be her friend who she could talk to whenever Annabel wasn't in the coffee shop which was rather often especially since she had to go home at night to sleep while, as a ghost, Lenore did not need to sleep. Edgar had proven quickly to not be the perfect conversation partner that Lenore wanted him to be, in fact he avoided talking to her as much as possible. He seemed to have the ability to completely block out everything she was saying which left Lenore just talking on and on in the second chair of Edgar's study while he worked on some sort of dark themed poem. It worked well enough for Lenore though, especially at night when she needed any way to entertain herself, she had learned quickly that Edgar seemed to never sleep. Lenore liked talking so most of the time Edgars refusal to answer or even listen to her, worked.

"Don't tell me you are writing another creepy poem about Anna Banana," Lenore frowned as Edgar tried to block the paper from her view. "Seriously you can't expect to make money to live off of if you're just going to write about Annabel all day long and then lock all the poems inside boxes that you try to put in my space. You have this entire apartment that you've taken over for yourself, I'm certain you can find somewhere else beside my attic to keep your poems. Like Annabel's mailbox," Lenore exclaimed her idea excitedly before her voice dropped to one of annoyance and pointed lesson, "because thats what you normally do with love letters, you give them to the person you're totes in love with."

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