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"Edgar I will literally light that piece of paper on fire if you don't start talking with me soon," Lenore groaned from the chair which had been moved closer to Edgars desk.

"You can't light something on fire," Edgar said, glancing up from the poem he was working on. "Can you?" he added, suddenly sounding slightly nervous.

"You don't even know the start of my abilities," Lenore told him even though she did not have any type of fire powers but had instead meant that she would knock over one of the candles that were scattered across Edgars desk because he insisted on using candles instead of a lamp. "So anyways," Lenore began after a silent beat had passed, "I was outside the building on the sidewalk last night looking for anything to do and a drunk guy stumbled passed and began to yell super creepy and bad attempts to hit on me. I'm pretty sure it was the same guy who used to come into the coffee shop to ask Anna banana out every few weeks. I don't know for sure though because I was too busy deciding the best way to scare him to really pay attention to his appearance. So-"

"Why don't you go down to the coffee shop and tell your stories to H.G. or Annabel," Edgar suggested.

"I can't," Lenore groaned, "the Evie girl is working until this evening because H.G. is away for the weekend at an inventors convention and Anna banana is helping her old roomie move in with her boyfriend."

"Ah that explains it then," Edgar nodded to himself as he moved to turn back towards his writing.

"Explains what?" questioned Lenore.

"Why have you somehow become more annoying since last night," Edgar responded, "you've been in and out of my study and complaining more than usual."

"What does that have to do with anything?" demanded Lenore, "cause yeah Elk-" Lenore paused for a moment as she fell into thought. "Is that even a name?"

"An elk is an animal," Edgar stated.

Lenore stayed quiet for a moment as she continued to think. "No, I don't think her name is an animal. Anyways, whatever her name is, may be annoying and like totes ruin my day when I want someone good to talk with but she wasn't working last night. In fact Anna banana and I spent the entire evening talking about this new movie that was just released that has sups hot actors that I will never get to see because for some reason you don't have a T.V."

"I meant that H.G. being out of town explains your mood," Edgar explained flatley. "You've been inseparable from him since he began to work at the shop."

"I have not," Lenore exclaimed.

"You spend all of your time either with him in the coffee shop or talking my ear off about him."

"Okay you are being delusional because I have literally never done that," Lenore stated confidently.

"You entered the room by saying that you were very close to getting H.G. to fix the stove," Edgar told her.

"Yeah because you are being useless. The stove has been broken for weeks," Lenore pointed. "You make it sups hard sometimes to figure out which one of us is the dead one. Spoiler alert," she said, slamming her hand through the skull that sat on the desk on top of some papers, she didn't bother asking why he had a skull or where it had come from, "its me. Which means as the living one here you are the one who needs to eat and make sure that you are able to do so by having a working stove and food in your pantry."

"There is food in the kitchen," Edgar stated.

"There are two cans of beans, a stale muffin that you forgot about and a box of girl scout cookies," Lenore listed, using her fingers to count each item.

The Coffee Shop (Wellenore)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt