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"Krishanti always said that the landlord shouldn't know that I exist and I totes agree. She would def find a way to make money off of me and I absolutely cannot allow that. Anyways she had like a whole cleaning crew in there to make the apartment like less gross because I'm pretty sure that Edgar literally never cleaned. I was able to get one really good scare in with one of the guys when he was cleaning Edgars study. He screamed so loudly and I guess he didn't want the landlord lady to think he was crazy because when she, in a very annoyed tone might I add, asked what was the matter he told her he saw a mouse which obviously didn't happen," Lenore explained to H.G. a few days after Edgar had moved out. "And you will never believe-"

Lenore's sentence was cut off as the door at the back of the coffee shop opened and a set of voices entered the building. Turning around Lenore's eyes landed on the landlord of the building, a middle aged woman with hair that had begun to grey and who wore a large ugly pink coat that fell towards her ankles and reminded Lenore of an old ladies couch. With the landlord were two others, a tall man with short cut black hair and a shorter woman with busky red hair pulled into a low ponytail that sat awkwardly over the hood of the coat she wore.

"Sorry, just heading up for an apartment showing," the landlord explained to H.G. who had also turned around at the sound of the back door opening.

"Hi," the woman waved perkily.

"Alright, Sue, Mark, just up these stairs," the landlord gestured to the staircase beside them. "I know that an entrance through the back of the coffee shop seems inconvenient but the workers in the shop have always been very cooperative from what I've heard."

"OMG they are doing a showing," Lenore gasped. "Sorry H.G. you know I love your company more than like anything but I really need to go watch their entire tour of the apartment and decide if I can allow them to move in."

"Of course," H.G. nodded, "go scare away some potential renters."

"You're literally the best," Lenore smiled, "if I decide they are terrible, which is sups likely because I already hate the woman from the tone of that 'hi', I will try to scare them away sups quickly so I can come back and tell you all about it."

With a final goodbye to H.G. Lenore floated upwards and through the ceiling of the coffee shop so that she arrived into the apartment just as the landlord was unlocking the apartment door at the top of the stairs. Moving towards the hallway where the study and bedroom where Lenore made it around the corner and through the closed study door just as the door opened. It was likely that the bottom of her dress had still been swinging around the corner as the group stepped inside but Lenore figured that if anything it would help her scare away the couple when she decided that she didn't like them.

"Oh this is nice," the woman, Sue, said slowly, lies dripping from her voice.

The walls of the apartment were all painted dark, the landlord had not had time to repaint them before she wanted to do showings and likely didn't care enough because it had sold before with the dark walls. Edgar had liked the dark walls, it kept the apartment even less lit when he had the curtains drawn on the windows. Lenore didn't know if the walls had been dark when Krishanti had moved in or if she had painted them but she did know that they had always been dark since she had been summoned into Krishanti's home. Krishanti had kept most of the walls covered by different pieces colourful and bright patterned fabrics which had kept the apartment light but Lenore was fairly sure that Krishanti had said something about the dark walls being good to contain the spirits, or powers, or whatever she did, Lenore couldn't exactly remember the details. Lenore had become used to the dark walls which were not quite as dark as her attic, she also thought they added to her ghostly aesthetic which helped her tolerate how gloomy it all felt.

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