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"But you probably already know all of this because you aren't forced to steal old magazines from peoples bags to find out the newest gossip," Lenore sighed dramatically.

"Lenore you don't really steal the customers belongings to do?" Annaebl asked with a gasp.

"Not always," Lenore responded with a small wave, "sometimes I find old magazines in the dumpsters out back which is like sups gross but what I have to do because Edgar doesn't understand the needs of a lady ghost. I seriously might die again if I don't get some new magazines though. It seems like no one reads them anymore, I can never find them lying around forgotten by customers and as much as I love my new york gossip magazine I cant keep reading it over and over again. I think I know every single word of it."

Annabel gave a small shake of her head as Lenore lodged into another long conversation about an article in a magazine she had read.

"There was a whole article about soulmates and how everyone has a soulmate but not everyone finds theirs which I think totes goes against their statement that everyone has one because if not everyone finds theirs then how do they know that everyone has one. The writing wasn't even that good, it was definitely written by some love sick romantic who spends too much time reading those terrible romance books that are sups unrealistic. And she kept using the worst metaphors I've ever seen and I've seen Edgar compare a raven to just about anything you could think of. As someone whos been in countless relationships and has almost been married I would say that I know a lot about love and the whole idea of soulmates is just ridiculous because they kept describing it as a person who's like a sunset in your life which I won't even begin one how terrible that sentence was to read, and like really none of the-"

"I think I like Edgar," Annabel interrupted her. Annabel had moved to be leaning over the counter with her head rested in her hand as she stared off distantly.

"OMG Anna banana," Lenore squealed, "congratulations you're the last to know. I mean like seriously it was sups obvious which was terrible because I know how annoying Edgar actually is."

"He isn't though," Annabel stated, "he's kind and nice to talk with."

"Are we talking about the same Edgar because the one I know has never held a normal conversation in his life. I mean he is seriously a social disaster."

"Lenore," Annabel said with a soft roll of her eyes. "He isn't as bad as you make him to be and we have had many good conversations."

"When?" Lenore questioned, "every time I've seen him talk to you he has failed to get the most basic words out. I think it's because he refuses to practice his conversation skills with me everyday. But like in all seriousness Anna banana are you sure you like him because like I know I've been saying for months now that you're in love with him but like I was also kinda hoping that I was wrong and making it all up."

"You've been saying that I'm in love with him?" Annabel questioned.

"Yeah to basically everyone but you because you were in a relationship and you obviously can't mention to someone that you think they like someone else while they are dating someone who isn't the person you think they like. That would be sups awkward. Tell me how you realised that you like him," Lenore stated.

"Oh well Edgar came down the other day, I believe he said that you were in your attic doing, well doing whatever you do is how he said it. It was very empty that day, I don't even think there was anyone in the corners reading so we began to talk and of course we've done that many times before but I think that this was the first time we had spoken properly since Eddie and I broke up and well I began thinking about how much I enjoy his company and talking with him and how I wish he visited more often and how so suddenly so much time had passed of us talking without me realising it and it was all just so nice. When Eddie and I first began dating it was similar to that in some ways but also this was different. Then last night when I was helping my friend move in with her boyfriend we were talking and at one point she pointed out that I speak a lot about this Edgar man she had never met. I hadn't even realized that I was doing it but it made me think about how much she had spoken about her now boyfriend when she had first met him. Perhaps you were right," Annabel paused thoughtfully, "about me being the last to know. I mean it seems that my friend knew right away without having even met Edgar."

The Coffee Shop (Wellenore)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें