I Always Do

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Enola sits at Sherlock's desk, muttering to herself as she flips through pages. I walk around Sherlock's apartment, looking at everything I could. I of course don't touch anything, because I know for a fact that Sherlock would notice.

Enola pulls a book from one of his shelves, there's at least three hundred books. She immediately starts flipping through the pages, I get curious and look through the book shelf.

"It wasn't a date at all!"

I give Enola a confused look and she explains.

"That piece of paper I found, it said 'twelve March', I thought it was a date. It's actually an address. The Lyon's are having a ball tonight!"

She pulls the poem out of her pocket and points to the flower, "I thought this was a poppy but it isn't, it's a Sweet William. The Lyon's oldest son is named William!"

"Holy shit, you truly are amazing, Enola!"

"Let's go! We have to get ball gowns!"


"Enola, I don't see anyone else wearing masks," I say as we walk into the large house.

Enola looks around before turning back to me, "Right, then let's lose the masks."

We set our masks on a serving tray and walk towards the ballroom.

It's beautiful. Everyone's dressed like royalty, and some of the women are wearing extravagant wigs to match their dresses. As Enola and I walk by a group of girls they giggle and point at us.

We definitely stand out.

"I'll find William, you look around and see if you can find anything."

I nod and Enola walks off. Perhaps, I should check upstairs first?

I walk up the stairs, struggling with my dress, but once I make it to the second floor I immediately start looking.

Maybe I should check one of the rooms? Nah, that'd get me caught for sure.

There's only a few people up here, most of them are men who look down at the women below like hungry wolves.

I'm looking over the ledge when I see Enola walking towards me out of the corner of my eye.

"Did you know you have to have a chaperone to speak to a man at a ball?"

She leans against the ledge next to me.

"No. But that's absolutely absurd."

She nods in agreement, "Have you found anything?"

"Not up here, but I'm gonna go check downstairs now."

I leave her and head downstairs. There's way too many people here.

As I'm walking through a crowd I get shoved and bump into someone.


The man turns around....


Sherlock frowns, "What are you doing here? Is Enola with you?"

"We're working on our case. What are you doing here?"

No Shit, SherlockDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu