Weapons and...Weddings?

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"That's the plan?" Tewkesbury asks, eyebrows raised in confusion.

Sherlock turns to him, "Yes."

"Bloody hell," Tewkesbury mumbles.

Sherlock tilts his head, "I think it's a brilliant plan."

"So, it's okay for you to sacrifice yourself for a case. But, when I do it, I'm irrational?" I ask.

"I think it could work," Enola says.

Tewkesbury gives her a bewildered look, "You're all insane."

"They're after (Y/n) and I," Sherlock says.

I sit on the couch, my legs are draped over the back of it, while my head hangs over the edge. Timothée is sitting next to me, and the two of us watch our friends bicker.

"What happened to not taking any risks?!" Tewkesbury yells.

Enola rests a hand on his shoulder, but he shrugs her off and continues yelling. "You've seen what they're capable of! What if they outsmart us, and someone gets hurt?! What if (Y/n) gets kidnapped again-"


The young Lord stops and looks back at Timothée. The older boy smiles, "Nothing is going to happen. We have the smartest detectives on our side."

They share a look, the room is quiet as they stare at each other. Tewkesbury finally lets out a sigh and rubs his face in defeat. "We'll need weapons."

"Weapons? Have you been around (Y/n) too much?" John says with a laugh.

I roll my eyes, "Please, you didn't think you could win this with just your good looks. Did you?"

"That is exactly what I thought," John says.

Sherlock sighs, "I know a place where we can get some weapons."


I look around the store in awe. There are various swords, daggers, and other weapons I don't know the names of. Timothée walks with me. He has his arm linked with mine as we walk around.

Tewkesbury suddenly steps in front of us. "I can walk with him. Sherlock wants to talk to you."

I nod and pull away from Timothée. Tewkesbury is linking arms with him within seconds of me stepping away. I give the two one last look before heading over to Sherlock.

"Tewkesbury said you wanted to speak with me?"

Sherlock gives me a confused look, "I didn't tell him anything. But, I always want to talk to you."

I look back at the two Lords. They're laughing about something while Enola smacks them both. Tewkesbury meets my confused gaze, and his face turns red before he looks away.

"Interesting," I mutter.

Sherlock grabs my hand, "What is it?"

"Nothing," I say, turning back to him.

John walks up, carrying a cane. "I've found my weapon."

"That's a cane," Sherlock says.

John hits it against the floor, and a long blade slides out.

Sherlock nods, "Oh, very nice."

I see Tewkesbury walking by himself now. His eyes are scanning the guns that are locked away in a glass cabinet. A worker walks over to him, and that's when I finally walk over.

"Looking for a gun, lad?"

"Yes, sir."

I grab Tewkesbury's arm, "Absolutely not."

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