Family Dinner

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It's been a week since we caught the man. I expected to return back home the next day, but Sherlock insisted on me spending another night. Which then led to me spending another week there.

"Sherlock, I've got to go home at some point."

He follows me into the office building, "You shouldn't be left alone."

I walk up the stairs, rolling my eyes as he mumbles something under his breath. He stops me from entering the office, his blue eyes staring at me intently.

"I just want to make sure you're safe."

I push the door open, "Enola, your brother is holding me ransom."

I look up to see an unfamiliar woman talking to Enola. She has wild, curly hair, and a beautiful smile. Sherlock stops behind me, staring at the woman as well. She sets down the magnifying glass she was holding and looks at Sherlock.

"Well, you've certainly grown since the last time I saw you," she says, holding her arms out.

Sherlock glares at her, "What are you doing here?"

She drops her arms, a sad smile replacing the grin she had before. I watch her curiously. Enola seems happy to see her, but Sherlock is tense.

"I have a message for, (Y/n)."

I look at the woman in confusion, "From who?"

"Your mother. She's gone into hiding now, but she wanted to let you know that she is safe. Although, she may not be back for a long while."

I sigh, "She says I'm the reckless one, yet she's the one hiding."

"How do you know her mother?" Sherlock asks.

"She's part of my feminist group. I didn't know her daughter was friends with mine, though. I've heard that you two are magnificent detectives."

She's Eudoria Holmes. The mother of my best friend, boyfriend, and their incredibly stupid older brother. What are the odds?

Eudoria looks between Sherlock and I, staring at his arm that's wrapped around my waist. He pulls away when he notices her staring, and I step back from him.

"Oh my God," she mutters.

Her face lights up as she laughs, "I never thought I'd live to see the day that my son Sherlock finally finds a woman."

"Especially one that wears trousers," she adds.

"I've got work to do."

Sherlock nods at me and opens the door, but Eudoria's voice stops him. "I expect to see you at our family dinner tonight."

She smiles at me, "And I expect to see you there as well, (Y/n)."

Oh, this is going to be a very awkward dinner.

Sherlock nods, "We can all meet here then."

He doesn't wait for a reply before leaving. I turn back to the two women and smile awkwardly. Eudoria sits in the chair in front of Enola's desk, running her fingers through her curly hair.

"It'll be fine, mother," Enola says.


Enola, Eudoria, and I stand outside the building. Waiting for Mycroft and Sherlock. I spent most of the day talking to Eudoria, and we surprisingly have much more in common than I would've thought. Enola seemed very happy that the two of us got along, I can tell that she really looks up to her mother.

"Bloody hell," Mycroft says as him and Sherlock walk up.

I smirk, "Did you miss me, Mycroft?"

"You look horrible," he replies.

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