Sherlock Punches A Sexist

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We sit across from two guys. They appear to be around my age and look a lot alike. Sherlock is talking to Edward, who sits on his other side. I look around the room. There are more guys my age than I thought there would be, and most of them have pretty girls by their sides.

Edward leaves the table, and Sherlock sighs. The brown haired boy in front of me smiles, "Mr. Holmes, we're huge fans."

"I'm Greg, and this is my little brother Jeff," says the one with darker hair.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both."

They smile at Sherlock, but their eyes hold a dark look. There's something off about them, I'll mention it to Sherlock later. Edward returns with a tall glass of beer.

"I wish Enola was here," I say.

"You can tell her all about it when we get back."

I nod, "Maybe next year they'll invite female detectives."

The two brothers in front of me snort. My eyes meet Greg's, "Something wrong?"

"Female detectives? How absurd."

My fingers dig into my thighs as I try to calm myself. "What's absurd about women being detectives?"

"Women can't handle it. They're too emotional. They should stay back at the house tending to their husband and children. Like they're supposed to."

I glare at Greg, "Well, as a female detective, I disagree."

"You're a detective?" Greg asks.

"Her and my little sister are. And they're some of the greatest. They've solved a few of my cases before I could."

Sherlock's hand grabs mine. He gives it a tight squeeze before continuing, "So the only thing absurd is your opinion."

I smirk at the dumbfounded men in front of me. Edward sets his beer down and laughs, "Of course you're dating a detective."

Sherlock gives Edward an annoyed look but faces the brothers again. Greg is glaring at him while Jeff stares at the table. It's silent for a few minutes, but the sound of a spoon hitting glass gathers everyone's attention.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Thank you for attending our annual meeting. We are very excited to welcome back the great Sherlock Holmes!"

Applause fills the room. My eyes scan the crowd around us to see that quite a few people are rolling their eyes or glaring.

The announcer continues speaking, "Now we will start the meeting. So, ladies, please exit and make your way to the ballroom. Your men will join you shortly."

Sherlock scoffs, "Ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous."

So we're only here for the men to show off. This is fucking stupid. I stand up, ignoring the smirks the brothers in front of me wear. I lean down to whisper to Sherlock, "Try to behave while I'm gone."

I kiss his cheek and follow the other women out. A man closes the door shut behind me, and I let out a sigh of frustration. "Fucking sexist pig."

The women behind me gasp, I ignore them and walk to the ballroom. I can already tell that these women will be unbearably annoying. They're ladies. The kind of ladies that only speak when spoken to, and do anything their husband asks. The complete opposite of me.

So when we all sat at the tables in the ballroom, I rested my head on the table and prayed that the meeting would end soon.


"Wake up, (Y/n)."

I open my eyes to see Sherlock staring down at me. He smiles, "Let's get you to bed."

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