The Handsome Stranger

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Two days have passed since the unfortunate encounter in the alley. I have seen Sherlock multiple times since then, but the two of us don't even spare a passing glance. Perhaps, it's better this way. It'll give me time to get over him, and maybe even find someone new.

I reach for a book but another hand grabs it at the same time.

"Sorry," a man says.

I pull my hand away, "You touched it first, you can have it."

The man smiles at me, his green eyes are the prettiest eyes I have ever seen, and they compliment his handsome face well. It takes me a moment to realize that he's speaking.

"I'm sorry, can you repeat what you said?"

He smiles again, "I was just saying that you should take the book, I've already read it. I was just looking for a new copy."

"Are you sure?" I ask.

He nods and hands the book to me. I smile, "Thank you."

"I'm Timothée," he says.

"I'm (Y/n)."

"It's lovely to meet you. Forgive me for being so sudden, but there's a poetry meeting tonight. I was wondering if you'd like to go with me?"

He seems nice, and he's incredibly handsome. Maybe going with him won't be so bad?

"I'd love to."

He smiles, "Let's meet here at seven tonight."

I nod and the two of us go our seperate ways. This should be fun.


"I don't even know why I agreed!"

"I think you should give the guy a chance," Enola says.

I roll my eyes, "Why should I?"

"Any man brave enough to ask you out deserves a chance," Tewkesbury answers.

I glare at him, "You say that like I'm a feral beast."

"Are you not?"

"Enola, punch him for me please."

Enola punches him right in the shoulder, causing him to fall off my bed. He winces and stands back up, "You two are so mean to me."

"What do I even wear?" I ask.

Enola walks over to my closet and pulls out a lavender colored dress, "This is pretty."

I groan, "But it's so girly."

"It's almost seven, so you don't have much of a choice," Tewkesbury replies.

I grab the dress from Enola and the two of us usher Tewkesbury out of my room. Enola does my hair while I do my makeup.

"You're going to have so much fun tonight."

"How do you know?" I ask.

She shrugs, "I just have a really good feeling about it."

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow."

They follow me out of the house, I wave one last time before making my way to the book store. I nervously adjust my dress, making sure it's fitted right, and that there are no wrinkles. Before I know it, I'm already standing in front of the store.

I don't see Timothée anywhere and my stomach drops. Was I stood up? There's no way, I should give him more time. He seemed nice, he wouldn't do that to me. Right? He is a stranger though.....

"Sorry I'm late!"

Timothée stands next to me, completely out of breath. His hair is messed up, and his coat is hanging off his shoulders. Completely different than his put to together look from earlier. I can't help but laugh.

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