Bonus (1/2)

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Third Person's P.O.V.

Two weeks before the engagement.....

Tewkesbury and Timothée sit in Timothée's house. The two Lords are laying on the couch together, Tewkesbury's head rests on Timothée's chest, while the older boy runs his fingers through his hair.

"I can't believe Sherlock's proposing," Tewkesbury says.

Timothée grins, remembering the moment Sherlock had told them. "It was going to happen at some point. I just thought he would've done it by now."

Tewkesbury sits up, "I can't even imagine getting married. The thought of it panics me."

Timothée sits up as well, watching the younger Lord with curious eyes. He hesitates before he speaks, "You've never thought about marrying Enola?"

"Not really. It's not that I wouldn't marry her. It's just that I feel we're too immature."

He gives Timothée a nervous look, "And it could mess up this. Whatever this is."

There's a silence between them. Timothée lets out a sigh, and Tewkesbury frowns. It's obvious Timothée is upset, but he can't seem to get his words together.

"What's wrong?" Tewkesbury asks.

Timothée looks at him, his green eyes watery with tears, "I've been putting this off as long as I could, but I think it's finally time to handle it now."

"What are you talking about?" Tewkesbury asks.

"I think we should end this."

The younger boy shakes his head, "Why?"

"You and Enola are perfect for each other. It's wrong of me to come in between you two."

Tears fall from Tewkesbury's eyes, landing on the sofa in between them. He shakes his head in disbelief. Surely, he must be hearing things wrong. This must be a bad dream, an absolute horrid one that he'll soon wake up from.

"You aren't coming in between us."

Timothée reaches out to brush Tewkesbury's tears away, "You love her."

"But I love you as well!"

Tewkesbury's body is shaking, his eyes search Timothée's. He can't possibly be serious about this, not after everything they've been through. And certainly not after the kisses they've shared and the whispers of love.

"I love you, Tewkesbury, and I always will. But I think we should love each other as friends. At least for now."

Timothée pulls Tewkesbury into his chest, holding him as his body shakes with loud sobs. The older boy is crying as well, hating himself for doing this. But it must be done.

"I'll never stop loving you," Tewkesbury says.

Timothée kisses the top of his head, "But you'll never stop loving Enola, and we'll never stop loving you."

Tewkesbury pulls away, and Timothée holds his face, wiping his tears away as they gaze into each other's eyes.

"Maybe in our next lives, we can be together without fear or judgment," Tewkesbury whispers.

Timothée smiles, "I'd love that."

They share a kiss, one that's full of love and rage, but also understanding. Because they both know this isn't the end, they'll always have each other. But, sometimes you must let go of the ones you love.

And they are together in another life.

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