Snooping Sherlock

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It's been a few days since we took on the new case. The man had given us a few locations his son regularly went to, but of course we found nothing proving his existence. So, we are currently on our way to meet the man to let him know what we've found. Although, I'm not sure how we're gonna pull this lie off.

"Enola, (Y/n)!"

We sit at the table with Mr. Johnson. We're at a restaurant, not too far from our office. Personally, I think it's rather weird to meet at a restaurant to discuss such a serious topic. However, this man is already horrible at scamming, so he's probably not smart enough to think of a suitable location.

"So you two didn't find anything?" he asks.

Enola nods, "Correct."

"How could this be?" he mumbles.

He runs his hand across his face, his eyes begin watering. He turns back to us, "I just don't understand. He's never been gone for this long."

Enola begins to comfort the man, I look around the restaurant to distract myself. I'm really not sure how much longer I can handle this nonsense.

As I'm looking around my eyes land on a man who is looking right back at me. He tips his hat to me and makes his way to the exit. He looks very familiar, but I can't figure out why.

Right before he walks out the door, he turns back to me and smirks. It's then when I realize who he is, he's the guy that was following me.

I immediately run after him, bumping into a few people along the way. Enola yells for me, but I continue chasing after the guy.

"Excuse me!" I yell, shoving through a crowd.

The man darts across the street, walking right into a larger crowd of people. I dodge a carriage and run right into the same crowd.

As I'm shoving my way through I lose sight of him, and a woman shoves me harshly. "Get out of my way!"

I fall into the road, the loose rocks get stuck in my hands, so I brush them off, and slowly stand back up.


Dr. Watson stands in front of me, his eyes staring at me curiously. Why does this man always see me at my worst? He must think I'm insane.

"Dr. Watson, it's nice to see you!"

He nods, "Why were you laying on the ground?"

"I tried to move against the crowd, but the crowd knocked me right on my ass."

He laughs, "Well, you're lucky you didn't get ran over."

"I got the address, Watson."

Sherlock walks over, not even noticing me. Dr. Watson looks back at me, and Sherlock does the same.

"(Y/n)! Why did you run off?!" Enola yells, joining the three of us.

"I was chasing someone," I reply.

Enola's eyebrows furrow in confusion, "Who were you chasing?"

Sherlock tilts his head, his eyes staring right back into my own. He's reading my body language, trying to figure out what's going on.

"I'll tell you later, it was nice seeing you two!" I say quickly, dragging Enola away.

Sherlock follows us, "Where are you two going?"

"Back to our office, " Enola answers.

"Mind if we come with?" he asks.

Enola smiles, "Of course you two can come."

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