Tea With Tewkesbury

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"When's your next date with Sherlock?"

I peel my orange and glare at my mom, "Never, I'd prefer to just be friends."

She rolls her eyes and throws my orange peel away. "Whatever you say, hun."

She grabs her luggage and comes around to kiss me on the forehead. "You stay safe, okay?"

"You too, ma'am," I say, pointing my finger at her.

"Love you, I'll be back in a few days!"

"Love you too, don't die please!"

She blows me a kiss and walks out the door, I watch as she gets in the horse carriage. It's only three days, but I'm gonna miss her.

She's going to some special feminist meeting, but said it was members only. I'm unfortunately not a member, because apparently I'm not old enough. Maybe, one day I'll be able to join, but hopefully by then we won't have to fight for our rights anymore.

"Let's go, (Y/n)! We've got a busy day ahead of us," Enola says.

A very confused Tewkesbury walks in after her, "Why didn't you knock?"

I wash the orange juice off my hands and shake the water off towards Enola. "She doesn't need to, she practically lives here."

Enola nods, "That is true."

I look in the mirror and fix my outfit.

"Right then, off we go," Enola says in a deep voice.

The three of us walk outside and start our journey to the office, where we'll hopefully have some clients waiting.


"Right this way ma'am," Tewkesbury says, helping a woman over to the chair in front of Enola and I.

The woman is old, probably in her seventies, maybe even older. Enola and I share a look before turning back to the woman.

"How can we help you?" Enola asks.

The lady smiles, "I've lost my favorite tea kettle."

Enola's smile falls into a frown. "Oh, well that's no good."

"I've looked everywhere!"

I tap my fingers against the desk, I'm way too impatient for this.

"Have you checked your cabinets?" I ask.

She glares at me and mumbles, "Bloody American."

I stand up and smile at Enola, "Clearly, my presence is not wanted, so I'm gonna go to the cafe. I'll be back soon."

Enola shakes her head no but I smirk and walk away.

Tewkesbury walks with me, "Mind if I tag along?"

"Not at all."

The two of us walk down the street to the cafe Enola and I always go to. Tewkesbury holds the door open for me and I thank him.

"Good afternoon, Miss Lee!" I call out to the owner.

She smiles at me, "Good afternoon!"

Tewkesbury and I walk up to the counter, "The usual for me, what would you like Tewkesbury?"

"Whatever you recommend."

Miss Lee smiles, "You'll probably like Enola's order more."

She walks back to the kitchen and starts making our drinks. Tewkesbury and I stand at the counter, the two of us watching the people on the street.

"Do you think Enola's Lost her mind yet?" Tewkesbury asks.

"Probably not, she's usually patient with older clients. I however am not."

"You not being patient? No way," he says, sarcastically.

Miss Lee sets our drinks down in front of us, and I reach into my money bag, but Tewkesbury sets his money on the counter first.

"I was going to pay," I reply.

"Maybe next time," he says.

The two of us sit at a table and he stares at his cup. There's a confused look on his face, so I clear my throat to get his attention.

"Something wrong?" I ask.

He sets his cup down, "Do you think Enola likes me?"

I blink a few times before laughing. He narrows his eyes at me and frowns.

"Sorry, it's just.... that was the dumbest question ever," I say, still laughing.

"Well, there's no need to be rude-"

"Tewkesbury, she's crazy about you! I mean it, I've never seen anyone so infatuated with a person before."

He looks down at the table, his cheeks tinted red. "You're just saying that."

"I'm really not. I am many things, but a liar isn't one of them."

He nods his head slowly, a goofy smile on his face, that smile however quickly turns into a smirk.

"If you're not a liar then tell me, do you have feelings for Sherlock?"

I take a sip of my tea, trying to avoid the question. Tewkesbury grabs my cup and pulls it away from me, the tea spills over me and I groan.

"That wasn't very nice."

Miss Lee walks over and hands me a towel so I can dry myself. She walks away and Tewkesbury raises his eyebrows at me.

"You didn't answer the question."

I set the towel down on the table and sigh, "If I answer do you promise not to tell anyone? Even Enola?"

I hold my pinky out to him and he wraps his own around it. "Fine, I pinkie promise I won't tell anyone."

We pull our hands away and I awkwardly fiddle with my empty cup. Tewkesbury stares at me, waiting for my answer.

"Yes I have feelings for, Sherlock."

He smiles and pumps his fist in the air, "Yes! I knew it!"

"But I don't want to," I reply quickly.

"That's the thing about love, you don't get to decide who it is."

I make a disgusted face, "I never said anything about love, I only said I have feelings for him. Those feelings could be negative!"

We walk over to the counter and set our empty cups down, along with the towel.

"They could be, but they aren't," he says, opening the door for me.

"You don't know that!" I reply frantically.

We walk back to the building and Edith greets us at the door, "(Y/n), you need to chase that old lady out. Enola's too nice to do it, but that lady's been babbling about her grandkids for the last twenty minutes."

Tewkesbury and I walk to the office and see that Enola is rubbing her face in annoyance while the little old lady talks. I smile and enter the room.

"Silly me, I forgot to fill out the paperwork from yesterday!"

I sit at my desk and start shuffling through my papers, the old lady glares at me.

"How has your day been ma'am?" I ask her.

The lady mumbles under her breath and stands up, "I'll go home and look again, thank you Miss Holmes."

Tewkesbury escorts the woman out of the room and Enola turns to me, "Thank you!"

I put my papers down and laugh, "I didn't expect to get rid of her by being nice."

"She's been talking the entire time, I only got to say three words!"

"I think she's just a lonely old lady that needed someone to talk to, but thank God it wasn't me."

Enola points her finger at me, "Next time, it's your turn."

"Not happening."

No Shit, SherlockHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin