Chapter 1 - Please Take Care of Me!

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You stood at the front door, sweatdropping as you could hear screams from the inside. It was hard to tell whether they were screams of fun or anger. Probably both.

You scanned your frame on the reflection of the door one last time before heading in, the screams of many voices almost physically hitting you as they seemed to amplify the closer you got to the group. Izuku noticed you before you said anything and you found comfort in the way his face shifted from being overwhelmed to excited.

He's so pure.

"(Name)-chan!Over here!",he called out. You wouldn't have known he yelled out to you unless you'd been looking at his face, his sweet voice easily drowned out by the screams of a particularly aggressive-sounding ash blonde.


You looked over at the commotion as you headed to the seat by your friend. The ash blonde was gripping onto Kaminari's shirt collar, their noses touching, and by what you could tell, the aggressive one was livid.

"But Bakugou, how else am I supposed to make space for (Name)?!?You took her seat!!"Kaminari whined. He was trying to get the other blonde to release his grip, squirming in his spot. He was finally released rather harshly, resulting in him almost falling to the floor. 'Bakugou' merely tch'd, leaning back into his own seat, not looking any happier despite having clearly established that he wasn't moving.

"Like I give a fuck about some (Name) bitch." he mumbled, crossing his arms. You tried not to take offense on what you assumed you'd read from his lips. Once you sat beside Izuku, he smiled and tried grabbing everyone's attention. It took him a few seconds to get everyone to die down but once everyone's attention was on him, he was quick to introduce you to everyone else.

"Guys!This is the friend I was telling you about. Her name is (Name). She probably had a hand in any of your costumes, and she can design anything you ask of her, no matter how impossible it seems!", he finished. His praises only served to make you sheepish as you quietly muttered some modest disagreements at the last statement. You were quick to snap yourself out of the shy demeanor his introduction had put you in; if there was anything about you, it was that you weren't shy or insecure. Not that you were egotistical, of course-- more like you had no issues with yourself. You were a rational person. If you had any issues with yourself, you'd fix them, and if you couldn't, then it was useless to spend your time and energy on it. That helped make introductions fairly easy.

"Hey!I've heard lots of you guys. I'm (Last Name) (Name), please take care of me!", you grinned. There was no insincerity behind your smile as you were genuinely excited at the prospect of making new friends, no matter how lively or peculiar. You also knew all of these people were heroes which made you instantly respect them--even the aggressive blonde you'd seen before.  

You were instantly crowded by a mob of strangers trying to introduce themselves. You'd somehow managed to catch onto all the names(or you hoped you did). If you were correct, the basics were this: You could associate pink with Mina, red with Kirishima,brown with Ochako, and dark blue with Ida. There was also Bakugou, who seemed to have no interest in leaving his seat, and a boy with red and white hair. He seemed to not want to deal with the mob but you'd seen him give you a small nod when you made eye contact with him.

At the very back was a very distraught Kaminari Denki, who seemed to be devastated by his unsuccessful attempts to get closer to you. You almost felt bad.

A chime from a bell signaled that someone else had just arrived. It somehow caught the attention of the whole mob and they were quick to move on from you, leaving you dumbfounded at how they seemed to be all over you and forget about you in a beat. It didn't seem as though they meant any harm with it. Rather, they all seemed to be too lively to stay on one topic at a time. You ignored their loud greetings until one particular yell caught your attention immediately.

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