Chapter 25 - The Calm

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"I could probably put a cat tree in that corner, the bed beside it, and some toys out on the ground. I'll just put some kind of blockage that only I can pass through where the porch is open. That way he can get some fresh air every one in a while. I will say though, it's scary to think he'll somehow get out. Do you know what age cats can get microchipped?"

Somehow, after the emotional day you both shared the day prior, you didn't expect his first words to you the next morning to be 'what do you think about a catio?'. You giggled at both his question and the happiness you felt that he didn't feel awkward despite the obvious change that was happening between the both of you.

"I think two months", you followed along as you nuzzled the cat in your arms. The cute little thing was basking in your affection and purring non-stop, rubbing its head against you with nothing but love and you mirrored its actions with adoration. You would take a bullet for the kitten but you were sure Hitoshi would take hundreds. Though maybe not at this moment, if his scrunched up eyebrows were anything to go by. 

"Maybe I'll rethink that catio...", he muttered to himself and you laughed. You still couldn't believe the Hitoshi Shinso that was usually too tired to express himself to people was the same one who could become childish at the prospect of your love. The man was so mature yet the opposite.

"Are you jealous, Toshi?", you grinned.


You had to remember that the man wasn't one to lie. You blushed at his honesty and walked up to him, placing a kiss on his cheek and he looked at you with a mix of surprise, happiness, and infatuation, but he forced his expression back to normal as he spoke up again.

"If that was supposed to make me feel better, it didn't. I need more", though his face showed no emotion his eyes were anything but serious.

"And how is that fair?", you narrowed your eyes with a pretend seriousness as well.

"I've been watching you kiss Smudge for the whole 15 minutes I've been here. No, scratch that, it's been months in which I've had to watch. One cheek kiss isn't cutting it, princess", he shrugged as if it was your problem. 

"Maybe if you didn't have to go to work", you retaliated. This had become pointless banter you were both amusing yourselves with yet there was a semblance of truth behind every single word the both of you spoke. You weren't sure how much you meant your last sentence but by the time you saw the glint in Hitoshi's eyes, you knew it was too late.

"And after work?", he tilted his head slightly up as his thoughts somehow became almost visible. Was this man trying to schedule some love for himself? You became bashful but this was too funny for you and despite how embarrased you would probably feel later, you couldn't say no to him. He was too adorable and his want for your affection was something that made you feel special.

"Make it back safely and I'll think about it. I don't know what your operation will need from you but",you dropped the playfulness as you looked up at him, more aware of the dangers of his job after the hit you saw him take from someone who wasn't even trying to truly hurt him,"just come back safely, please...", you asked shyly. It felt stupid to ask him to be safe doing something he did pretty often, especially when it wasn't something that crossed your mind, but then again, things were changing.

He realized this and carefully wrapped you into a hug so as to not disturb the kitten,"Don't worry princess. I'll come back. It's just a scouting operation, there won't be any villains. Besides, I have more incentive to come back safely now", he chuckled as he pressed a kiss on the top of your head.

"So you'll promise to come back safe and sound as long as you get some...", you blushed at the 'incentive',"...'love'?"

Hitoshi smiled in the peace of your company before hugging you a little tighter.

"Of course. I'll come back, princess. I promise."

He promised. So why was that strange nagging sensation back?


Don't worry about why the chapter is so short uhhhhh

Chapter Details:

Written 12/10/2022

Published 12/10/2022

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