Chapter 30 - Grump

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"I don't like you anymore."

"Then go find another hero agency to house you."


As annoyed as you wanted to be with the older man over his knack for timely interruptions, you had to admit, it was hard when he was offering you a private room to stay in while you figured out your living situation. The man had actually been a pretty graceful host. He made sure you were well-fed(even bought high-quality cat food for Smudge) and checked on you from time to time. The most shocking part was when he casually asked you if you wanted a check so you could buy your female essentials; you hadn't even mentioned anything like that.

Then again, if it weren't for him, you might have been able to answer's Hitoshi's question last night. You barely got the chance to process it before a capture weapon restrained him and a very angry Aizawa made his presence known. Apparently, Hitoshi hadn't yet gotten permission to leave the infirmary--he'd snuck out. You could only imagine what your face looked like while you watched Hitoshi get dragged against his will. The poor man even tried using his quirk to get away but Aizawa was having none of it; he was smart enough to keep quiet when he anticipated the trap.

"How did you even know where to find him?"

"He's predictable. I knew why he left the infirmary and I knew where I left you. Easy enough."

"Ah. Also, I didn't mean it when I said I didn't like you anymore."

"I know."

You weren't sure why you were following him around. Aizawa was crossing the hall when you went out of your room and you'd stuck to him like glue since then, talking about anything as you watched him do small tasks throughout the morning. Surprisingly, not once had he told you off. He looked like he was in a better mood than usual today.

"So how come you haven't been grumpy today?", the question came out innocently. You hoped you weren't jinxing anything with your choice of words but he didn't look all too affected.

"I have big plans for me and someone else."

"Does it have anything to do with that box you haven't let go of this whole time?"

You were eyeing a black glass box he was clutching throughout the entirety of the morning. He nodded as he side-eyed you, speaking in a calm tone,"I can't tell you what it is due to the agency's confidentiality in case you're about to ask. But yes, I'm excited for today."

"That's okay", you smiled. His 'excited face' was only his resting face but you were glad to see him in good spirits. You guessed those high spirits must've been enough for him to start conversations because you were surprised when he actually did.

"Have you been able to convince your landlords to let you stay?"

You grimaced at the mention of your landlords. Needless to say, they weren't very happy when they found out the state of your apartment and you exchanged some very lengthy phone calls with them in an attempt to convince them to let you help with repairs so you could continue living there but they only agreed to take the money.

"No, um...they said they already started the process of nullifying my contract so I leave. I felt really bad about the damage though so I gave them cash for the repairs which I think might've been the wrong choice. It might take me longer now to find a new apartment but I'll try to take on some extra jobs so I can get out of your hair", you smiled despite the sensitive topic. Aizawa's eyes softened before he looked straight ahead again.

"Stay as long as you want, kid."

You almost didn't hear what he mumbled but his offer warmed your heart. As much as he reminded you that you were never his student, he still watched out for you as if you were. You nodded appreciatively, aware he couldn't see it but he'd probably know you did so anyway, and tried directing the topic elsewhere.

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