Special: Overdue

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Warning: Mentions of suicide and death. *ALSO*, NOT a continuation of Chapter 27. This is a continuation of Chapter 24 that belongs to a side story, not the main plot. First part of it can be found after Chapter 17. :)


A door was the only thing that stood between Shouta and the woman he thought he couldn't save nine years ago. In the almost thirty minutes he'd spent staring at the door in denial and fear, he hadn't heard a sound. It didn't help his running thoughts. 

He was scared he'd open the door and see no one at the end. Or maybe the rescue victim would be someone who he had no kind of relationship with. He was scared that in the best case scenario in which she was alive behind the door, he'd come with the confrontation that he wasn't enough to help his soulmate prevent her worst fear.

It wasn't as though he didn't know what she had done. It was clear as day when it was not only her name on the missing persons list but also her little brother's. Even if her note wasn't specific, it was more than enough for him to know that her case was a tragic murder-suicide; except appearently he didn't know. Not if Sara was behind the door that he was burning a hole into with his eyes.

Small thoughts tried to give him hope. They never found a body, was one. She was happier, was another one. She wanted the necklace.

None one other than Shinso knew about the significance of that necklace to him. He also knew his student was smart and wouldn't boldly call for his attention unless he was sure. Shouta trusted him enough to believe him yet he was scared. Scared of opening the door and not having the chance to put up with the overly-spirited woman once again.

He wanted nothing more than to walk into the refuge room as soon as he made it there yet half an hour had passed and he was still planted on the same spot. So he finally willed himself to place his hand on the knob and turn it, accepting the outcome that would come with it.

The room was dark, too dark for him to see anyone who could be inside and unlike the long time it took him to overcome the door, his hand shot up to the light switch and light blinded him for a brief second until he saw the peacefully sleeping face he never thought he'd see again. In one second he caught onto it all: her bedhead, her closed eyes, her parted lips. She was there. She was there, with her necklace and gloves on, yet some denial stuck. A small part of him couldn't accept she was alive and his heart almost burst as he watched her stirr from the light. It bursted when he heard her voice again.

"Kenzo, I swear to god", she groaned as she pulled her blanket over her head,"if you're waking me up over earlier today, I'm killing you. I'm not interested in having dinner with you. Turn the goddamn light off, you prick, and learn what no means."

Shouta couldn't see her any longer but that small display from her was enough for him to push past all his doubts. He had been right to hope. A sense of relief started flooding through him as he started stepping closer to her, wanting to look into her eyes again, but Sara beat him to uncovering herself as she threw him a pointed glare.

"This is the third ti-...oh..."

Her voice diminished as soon as their eyes met. Shouta looked down at her with nothing but ease as his walls crumbled. He couldn't care less about that wall with her. He wanted her to understand it all: his confusion, worry, relief. Her eyes gazed up at him in shock before it melted into a sight that made him feel even weaker. She smiled at him. After nine years of him thinking she was dead, Sara was looking up at him with the same smile she gave him when they first saw each other at the park.

"Welcome back, Shouta...", her tone was much gentler than the one she was addressing 'Kenzo' with earlier. It was enough to repair the heart she'd just bursted. He ignored her greeting completely and hoisted her up from her sitting position to wrap himself around her. He was sure he was hugging too tight--he heard her initial 'oof' as he forced the air out of her--but let himself hold her strongly for a few seconds before pulling away. The emotions that had been clogging his voice came out in a flood as he looked down at her. His voice held an almost unnoticeable tremor.

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