Chapter 23 - Almost

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After Hitoshi walked you to your apartment, he let you know he was planning on giving the necklace to Sara in the morning and would let you sleep in. He didn't listen to your protests. The notion dissapointed you at first and then you figured that as much as the man liked to include you in his plans, he most likely wasn't the kind of person with a high social battery, so you agreed. You woke up as the clock read 11:47 am and let yourself get to work on commisions. You really had nothing better to do.

You felt a buzz on your lap and looked down at your phone, smiling widely at the ID. It was odd how someone who you thought wanted some time alone was still reaching out to you.

1:33 pm

Toshi <3: Are you awake?

Was he serious?How late did he think you slept?

cute neighbor: No Toshi I'm still sleeping at 1:33 pm.

Toshi <3: So you can't talk right now?

It was really hard to know whether he was kidding. You could at least pick up on his playful tone whenever you talked in person but had no idea how to tell through a text.

cute neighbor: I'm awake what's up?

Toshi <3: Do you have any plans for today?

You tried not to grow hopeful as soon as you read that. He never said he wanted the day for himself, only the morning, and you really wanted to spend time with him but for all you knew he might want you to babysit Smudge. Though you had to admit, the fact Hitoshi still asked you to babysit Smudge was odd since the kitten was old enough to manage by itself for a day.

cute neighbor: No plans, staying home all day :)

Toshi <3: I'm taking you somewhere. I'll be there in 20, get dressed in something warm.

Toshi <3: If that's okay, of course.

You didn't see the second message. You were already getting ready.

∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

"An ice skating rink?", you wouldn't have expected that from Hitoshi; the man only went out into crowds for fun when prompted by someone else. He was also dressed with a few more layers than usual but it didn't do anything to diminish his good looks. His violet eyes looked down at you with uncertainty.

"Would you rather go somewhere else?", he asked. Hitoshi already had the entire day planned out and the thought you might dissaprove of a small part of it was enough for him to toss it all aside. He was getting impatient with his feelings and decided it was time to start taking steps that showed you he was interested in more than a friendship. He'd been taking too long already. Your eyes widened and you began reassuring him.

"Oh, no, not at all!!I've actually never been ice skating so I'm excited. Thank you for bringing me", you smiled up at him to ease his worries. The man's shoulders untensed and he nodded, looking at you for a few seconds. You nervously stared back the entire time. Did you have something on your face? The thought made you start swiping at random spots on your face and a hand firmly grasped your wrist to make you stop. You looked back at the owner and found Hitoshi staring at you all the same but this time he spoke up.

"Just wanted to make sure you're aware what you're agreeing to. This is a date."

Your breath almost hitched. Hitoshi was looking down at you with his usual face yet you knew with the way he was looking at you in silence that he was waiting for you to give him a response. You could agree and go on with your day together or deny it and he'd likely walk you back without complaining. Though, how in the world could you say no, when this meant you might actually have a chance with the man in front of you?

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