Chapter 14 - Nothing Like Recovery Girl

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Hitoshi had work the following morning. He woke up in confusion and with a sharp pain in the neck before the morning amnesia shook off and he remembered who was occupying his bed.

There you laid, peacefully snuggled into his blanket and hugging his pillow. Your hair was disheveled and your breathing was light. There was a tranquil expression on your face despite that you hadn't slept in your usual pj's. You were still cutely dressed up from the planned day out with your friends; he wondered if you'd even bothered to let everyone know you wouldn't make it.

His shameless admiration was interrupted by a small nudge on the hand he was leaning on. When he looked down, he saw Smudge sniffing his hand, surprisingly standing on his four legs with ease and the little kitten started licking away.

If this is what he would wake up to, Hitoshi wouldn't mind dealing with neck pain a little more often.

∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

You woke up naturally for the first time in a few days. Your slow wakening didn't let you realize who's bed you were on, so you snuggled into the comfortable blanket and took in its smell. It was comfortably nice...but not yours. Your eyes shot open.

Ah, you remembered, I stayed the night here.

You took in your surroundings. The first thing you noted was Hitoshi's absence. His sleeping bag was also put away and you questioned how in the world you slept through all the rustling it probably caused. Then again, Hitoshi definitely had the skills to make something so loud significantly quieter. A note on the bedside table caught your attention.

'I won't be back until around 8. Stay until then if you want, just don't step on Smudge. If you leave, obviously take him. Also, you snore too loud'

Did this man really have to tease you even when he was away? You lightly giggled at how much he believed someone would one day step on the poor kitten but you were sure if it ever happened, he would raise hell to whoever did it.

There were no time-consuming commissions to worry about today but you couldn't stay until Hitoshi returned; you were still wearing your semi-uncomfortable clothes from yesterday and had to shower. Though, you figured a few more minutes in Hitoshi's bed wouldn't hurt anyone, so you were back to snuggling his soft blankets in a beat. It wasn't your fault he smelled so good.

∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

Hitoshi panted, ignoring the burns and mild scratches littered throughout his entire body. His capturing weapon had successfully wrapped the biggest guy in the villain group and he swung him as hard as he could, effectively hitting the two others that hadn't gotten out of the way quick enough and knocking the captured one out. He clicked one of the buttons on his mask.


The two remaining criminals were none too pleased the at supposed villain's words.




Simultaneously, the two villain's eyes glazed over and their stances relaxed. Hitoshi smirked in satisfaction despite the pain coursing throughout his body.

"The cops will be here soon. Stay still while they arrive", he ordered as he took a seat on the floor near them. His back rested on the side of a building roughtly 15 away from the brainwashed villains. They weren't too tough to overpower, but he had to admit, the initial outnumbering forced him to take some damage from their quirks. He winced when he poked at a cut on his cheekbone and his eyes trailed over to the small emergency room right across the street. It would be easy to get help as soon as the criminals were handed to the cops.

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