Chapter 34 - New Arrangements

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The first thing Hitoshi noticed stepping into the studio apartment was the damage. It was no wonder the landlords were so pissed but he still didn't see how fair it was to kick out one of their residents for being a victim. The main door was practically nonexistent, the walls had several holes--a visible sign of struggle, and the bathroom door was ripped off its hinges. 

It forced Hitoshi to once again realize that a villain with deadly power had come into your house with the purpose of slaughtering you. Thankfully, you'd been smart and quick enough to get away and even subdue your attacker but the apartment's state reminded him that your fate could have easily been a much more cruel one. It made a pit grow in his stomach. His heart couldn't take even imagining how close of an alternative that was.

Luckily, instead of that much more awful fate, he had the privilege of watching you pack your tools into boxes and dork out at the ones you hadn't seen in a while. With almost every tool you picked up, you gave him an even more excited summary each time of what it was and mentioned the kinds of projects you used it in. 

He understood none of it but the blessing that your safety was to him had him too entranced to care. You had him too entranced to care.

"Toshi?", you broke him out of his thoughts. You were staring up at him with big innocent eyes and he sighed at the overwhelming feelings of appreciation he was having in the moment,"Are you okay?You look out of it."

"I'm okay. I was thinking of you", he replied honestly. You tilted your head in confusion. He was zoned out while you were talking to him because he was thinking of you?It didn't make sense. He guessed what your confusion was and continued,"To be more specific, I was thinking how lucky I am that you're okay after what happened here."

"Oh",his honesty would never stop making you flustered. Maybe what was getting to you was that he wasn't speaking only on a romantic basis--he cared about you in more ways. As a friend, a close friend, a partner, a...well, you weren't his girlfriend, and you didn't know where exactly you stood with him, but that wasn't the point.

"That's why I'm asking you to be mine again soon."

You froze. His words caught you so off guard you almost dropped the tool you had in your hand. You knew damn well both of you didn't plan on only being friends but didn't expect him to be so comfortable with just spewing his plans out.

"U-Uh, Toshi", you stuttered, struggling to fight back the hot blush you felt on your face. Hitoshi's violet eyes fell on you and somehow, his normal stance of a resting face and hands down his pockets had you increasingly aware of his confident and strong presence,"I don't're supposed to tell a girl that you're asking her out?"

Hitoshi shrugged,"I'm not worried about following customs or keeping my intentions to myself. It may be easier for you to say yes if you're not so shocked."

"And what makes you think I'll say yes?", you teased despite the visible red on your face. Hitoshi raised his eyebrow and stepped closer to you, your mocking attitude crumbling more and more the closer he got. His strides didn't stop until he was right in front of you and you fought the temptation to step back.

"There's nothing forcing you to say yes", he grabbed onto both your hands and entertwined his fingers with yours to bring you closer. Your heart sped up as he leaned down to place a kiss on your cheek,"I just hope you do. Also", he tapped one of your enterwined hands on your soulmate mark and tapped his with the other pair,"this makes me feel better about my chances."

It was taking every fiber in your body to not fall apart in shame and embarrassment. You knew he was smart, gentlemanly, and occasionally funny, but goddamn, he could be smooth when he wanted to. He was too perfect to be real.

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