Chapter 27 - Salesman

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Just as Hitoshi thought earlier, you were loving the kitten to death. Its big eyes stared up at you with an almost humorous upturn of the mouth; he looked exactly like the edited cats you saw online. You snapped a few quick pictures to show Hitoshi when he came home and put Smudge on the ground. There were still a few hours before your time with the man and figured you could take advantage of it with all your piling jobs. Fate had other plans.

You felt the vibrations of someone going up the stairs of your porch and furrowed your eyebrows. Your first thought had instinctively been Hitoshi but two things were odd: the timing and weight of the footsteps. For months you'd felt the steps of Hitoshi arriving home. You were sure--the person was not Hitoshi.

That wasn't enough for you to panic. It could've been a delivery man with something Hitoshi ordered or perhaps a salesman. You thought more of the second answer as the man began his way to your side of the porch and knocked with unnecessary force. A salesman desperate for a score, maybe?

The knocking didn't stop despite your clear lack of intentions to respond and you began growing uneasy. It was becoming more of door slams and your heart dropped to your stomach as you realized that this wasn't someone passing by--they had intentions of coming in. Fear started overtaking you. A little of denial still stuck to your mind. There was no reason for anyone to be interested in you. Not once in your life had you made an enemy and you weren't an obvious target for a robbery. You lived in a studio apartment, for god's sake. So why was this person slamming on the doors as if trying to break it open? You froze at your last thought.

This person was trying to break your door open.

In a panicked rush, ignoring the weight that the sudden fear was putting onto your body, you swiped Smudge from near the door as the poor thing hissed at the loud sounds and ran into your bathroom with your heart pumping in your throat. You weren't sure what your plan was there. If the person was able to break your main door open then they'd surely have no problem with an even flimsier door but you took the additional obstacle as a way to convince yourself to think of a plan.

What could you do? You hadn't ever been in a normal fight with someone your age and there was no way you could stand a chance against someone who sounded so heavy. You cried out a loud whimper at the unmistakable sound of your door breaking off its hinges and footsteps coming into your house. You hugged the cat tighter to you as you shaked, the baby kitten retreating into you in fear, the pressure between you so tight you could almost become one. Your eyes snapped open.

How could you be so stupid?

The man stood right outside the flimsy door and you heard a rugged chuckle as he leaned into it--most likely to show off his size as the door creaked immensely under his weight--and taunted,"Are ye' cohming out o' there yerself or do a' have to break down this door too?"

You felt the familiar gut feeling you hadn't felt in a while. There was almost never a reason for you to use your quirk and due to that, it left much to be desired, but your lack of practice was the last thing on your mind as you thought of a way to get through the man and get to safety. You had to muster up nonexistent bravado as you spoke next, trying your best not to lose it as you saw the colors around you fade into shades of blue and green.

"For a man so big, you kind of have a funny voice", your voice echoed in the bathroom and you immediately grimaced in fear despite his delayed reaction. It was as if he hadn't expected you to talk back and it took him a second to process your insult. You watched as the door lost its strained weight yet stayed permanently twisted.

"Ye' bitch. Ye' probably won't find me funny when ye' see what a' did to that feeble boyfriend o' yers."

You forgot all about your fear for yourself as his words sunk in. Hitoshi? Did he do something to Hitoshi?

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