9. My mentor

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I am back home, Finally! Now about updates, they are going to be regular and I hope nothing inconvenience comes in between.

“ Realisation and Revelation, both are unexpected impulsive acts ”

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Realisation and Revelation, both are unexpected impulsive acts


Kairav left her hand, when did he even hold her hand? The hell, he cares about holding her hand at this moment. Traveling his eyes from the door to meet hers, as usual they were shining and beaming in happiness.

Clearing his throat, he rubbed his hand together, blowing air out from his mouth. Nervousness crawling under his skin, raining goosebumps over them.

Not in a million dreams did he think of mingling with a principal's daughter. Even if it's for friends.

The first and the topmost reason why he stayed away from girls in his twenty-two or soon to be twenty-three years of his life, is that they are themselves a trouble and love to attract others in their troubles or more like disasters.

He straightens himself, mindlessly caressing his shirt. He cannot show his nervousness to her, can he? It will affect his image, she will see him like a baby, scared of elders, well he is!

Kairav met her eyes again, damn those pretty eyes! If girls are a disaster then Mishka is a beautiful disaster.

"Uh... shall we go then?" He asked, pointing at the door across from him.

Satisfied with his answer, that took so long to come out from his mouth, she nodded.

She turned around swiftly in a way that a few of her long curls touched his body. His eyes closed at the mere second before he composed himself.

Kairav sighs, telling himself that-he is going to talk with her father-who is also the principal of this college, just to ask permission for a birthday invitation.

This time they both again come inside the cabin, like before Mishka is smiling but Kairav isn't. No, he isn't feeling scared or anything but just...little shivers are traveling under his veins.

Damn you Aadrika!

Like you never wanted Mishka to come with you, huh?

"Keep quiet!"


Kairav bit his tongue when he realized that his words were louder than he thought. He gave an awkward smile to the curious Mishka before averting his attention to the man sitting behind the table.

Immediately leaving her hand, Kairav bowed down in respect, "Good Morning Sir!"

Vinay nodded his head, "Good Morning Kairav"

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