15. Bond

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“Our bond is neither strong nor weak because it's still progressing

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“Our bond is neither strong nor weak because it's still progressing.” 


The sound of clapping hands echoes through the hall as Varsha and Nishant exchange rings, their love knotting tighter with each passing moment. Amidst the loud cheers of their friends and family, Kairav's voice rises above all, filled with enthusiasm and joy.

"Finally, our secret couple made it public!" He exclaims, earning agreeing laughter from everyone present.

However, Mishka is misbehaved by his behaviour.

The Kairav she knows is silent, observant, sweet, soft, and ethereal.

However, what happened to Kairav?

He's suddenly become loud, obedient, goofy, and childish. Does he not feel the same happiness he shows with his friends, or does he feel like he can't be himself around her?

Since she arrived, Mishka's eyes were fixed on Kairav, her heart beating faster with every smile he gave her.

But now, she feels like an outsider, watching him from afar as he interacts with the crowd of guests.

His attention is either on attending to them, laughing with the boys, talking to everyone who comes to him, or smiling at other girls.

Each time she sees him do that, her heart sinks a little lower, and she can't help but feel a sense of jealousy creeping up inside her.

She sighed, looking away from him, she didn't want him to feel pressured due to her feelings.

As the evening wore on, Geeta, Kairav's chachi suggested, "You should also cut the cake now."

"Yeah right!" He agreed to look around, spotting Mishka and he found her beside the stage.

He approached her, who was still busy ignoring him. "What happened to this girl now?" He asks sweetly, touching her chin. She shoots him a glare and slaps his hand away like a mosquito.

"Don't talk to me!"

Kairav tilts his head, a small smile forming. "Why can't I talk to you?"

"I don't know," She huffs.

Kairav chuckles, tapping her cheeks. "Come on, you like cakes, right? I'm cutting one. Be with me."

Mishka's eyes sparkle at his words, like glamorous shimmer. "Are you?"

Kairav nods, sizing her wrist. "Come!"

As they both enter the bustling crowd, Kairav unintentionally releases her hand, causing her to step back and feel a sense of rejection and insignificance.

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