22. Hidden

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Recently, I was busy reading this book from beginning and found out so many minor grammatical mistakes, unorganized paragraphs.

I know, I shouldn't compare myself to anyone but after looking at others who writes so well from the initial chapters makes me think to rewrite everything. Of course I'm not gonna do that, it's just a moment of demotivating feeling which had faded away now. My point is, Thank you for everyone whoever read the previous chapters with many mistakes and still accepted my book with open heart. Trust me, I truly appreciate your this gesture.

However, I only have one wish. Can you all please make this book 2k+ votes? I've seen that my chapters has 2k Or 1k reads or around 500 reads but not even 100 votes.

This act will help me to reach a wider audience, reaches and will keep me motivated. Because reels did nothing help nor do my reels are reaching anywhere. 💖🙏🏻

“ Some people are just heartbreaks with a heartbeat ”

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Some people are just heartbreaks with a heartbeat

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~ K A I R A V ~

I've grown up in a wealthy well-known family. People bow down before us, some for respect, some forcefully, some in fear, some willingly or some who feel we deserve the respect we get. So it's normal for me, It's genetic for me to feel pride and a feather of arrogance within me.

I don't chase people, I attract.

I don't give my undivided attention to anyone, not because I feel they're unworthy of me but because I feel I'm not that easily available for their attention.

It was all until she barged into my life.

The boy who has never chased anyone, is now willing to chase her wherever she goes, how long she goes, whichever path she chooses, she will always find me behind her, chasing her till she fits under my grasp perfectly, as loosely to not feel suffocated and as tightly to not to fly away.

And she has turned the tables for me, I used to attract someone's attention because I deserve that attention but her?

That girl attracts me, the boy who has never approached anyone in these years of his life, approached her.

He's still approaching her and won't stop until he catches her.

But my mentality for girls would never change, not because I'm hypocrite and adamant for the delusion I've created for them, but because they're true and facts.

If a girl doesn't has tangled mood swings, if she doesn't throws tantrums, if she doesn't tells the reason behind her bloated face and if she doesn't expect you to understand each fucking thing without any proper communication, then it's ny advice, please take her to the doctor and get it check her sexuality.

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