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chapter six


𝕾𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 by the river was a new rin—y/n thing to do. everyday after school, you'd wait for the said male to finish his practice to walk home together and eventually relax yourselves by the river.

you know not of how, but the two of you became friends. it was an everyday routine for you to wait for him after practice, and for him to be around you everytime in school.

no one could question it, although some female students had tried to stir a rumour to stain your reputation, only to have rin debunked everything smoothly.

life upon knowing the itoshi was more fun than ever, having someone and comfort in your life even if it was a blunt and honest one.

you and rin sat on the grass eating snacks he bought for the both of you, eyes gazed upon the orange sky that was smudged with some pink.

until know, he still didn't know as much as you knew about him. you were still a mystery to him, a mystery that he wants to solve if he was going to get a level higher.

it was pure silence, only the sound of chewing and cracking in the mouth. quite enjoyable for your preferences, and so was it for him. the silence was comfortable, enough for a relaxing evening.

"hey, what are your dreams?" rin broke the silence, his gaze still on the sun that was setting peacefully and slowly.

you thought for a moment while humming softly, shrugging after a few minutes. "i don't have one."

your answer made him chuckled. you couldn't tell if it was a mock or not, because you don't really dream. you go with the flow of life. the flow that the universe put in your path.

"everyone has a dream. don't tell me you don't," he popped a chip into his mouth, each of his chew made you fell deeper into your thoughts.

what are there to dream and wish for? you already have a life planned out for you since birth. you were never given or taught the opportunity to dream.

dream is a foreign word to you.

you had everything you ever wanted, yet there wasn't much that you wanted. there were times you don't even know what you want, just like the usual, you go with the flow.

rin noticed that you've fallen into silence, taking a glance at you. your display of face expression was empty. nothing was portrayed.

he always knew you could work with your emotions like you were a puppeteer controlling the strings to your emotion dolls, but this was an expression he couldn't read. he couldn't tell what came off of it.

with the sun going down, the day turning into night, rin gently nudged you out of your trance. it worked, evidence of life came back to you, unlike the doll-like demeanor.

"sorry, i was... thinking."


"thinking about my dream. well, since i don't have one, i want to have one," you looked at your bag of snacks, taking one out to pop it into your mouth.

he raised a brow. "then, have you thought of one?"

you nodded firmly, looking at him with a soft smile. "i want to protect your smile."

that punctured so many thoughts and feelings into the black-haired male at the same time. so many that he couldn't think but react with widened eyes and a visible blush, deeper in lush than usual.

that sight made you covered your mouth, choking back a laugh. it was simply cute to you, seeing how your words always managed to catch him off-guard in the most unthinkable ways.

"if it's too cheesy, i can change dreams," you playfully frowned, making him dart his head away. "no. it's a nice dream. achieve it," he muttered, the blush still spreaded across his cheeks. he could only hope you didn't see it as much.

"you're cute when get flustered," you nonchalant said, adding volume to the blush, heat surrounding his face.

when you burst out laughing at the lack of response, he slowly turned to you, the red tint dying slowly dying down.

one of his dreams was to protect your smile too.

𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓. i. rin ✓Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu