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chapter nine


𝕹𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 like these were never ones where he could sleep.

it was unsettling, the moon watching rin's lone figure as he sat down on the bench, fixing his gaze above the black heavens.

it was only a few days after what had happened, and it felt like the days were going faster than usual. the tension that was built inside him was getting thrilling.

but he never ever imagined something like this could be sent to his doorsteps with an official invitation to a special football training.

it was too soon, just when a partial of his dream was coming true. everything was going well, but fate has already fixed a destiny for the itoshi.

he would eventually reached out to pursue that destiny, even if it meant leaving the ones he treasured most behind.

"may i sit?" your voice interrupted his thoughts as he looked at you momentarily before nodding, shifting aside to let you sit.

"why are you awake?" he questions, actually stunned by the fact that you ever so silently crept up to him. "i couldn't sleep," you replied, gaze looking up the moon that you loved watching so much.

"guess we're the same.." he muttered in reply before it all fall into the common silence you always had with him.

when rin looked at the moon carefully, it didn't shine as much as it did with you. against your skin, the skin illuminated it's silver hues onto you, giving you some silver and ethereal glow.

it was enough to let some butterflies run loose in his stomach.

"y/n, will you believe me if i told you that i have feelings for you? any feelings in general."

"what?" you shot your head at him, as he allowed his question sink into your mind, letting it register as whatever you might think of it.

rin's lips shut into a single line, giving you more time to figure out what his words meant.

it only made you slightly uneasy and anxious at how random and sudden it is. with his silence, you grew even more uneasy.

he let out a sigh, looking at his hands who were opened. "what i'm saying is, i.. wait i don't know how to word it," he trailed off, confusion rising to his face.

tonight, rin's entire emotions were everywhere, the strongest being an attraction he felt towards you who held an expression of worry.

"the feeling is more than just friends, like an attraction? i don't know.."

you stared at rin for a few moments, before chuckling at how he was trying to put words together. it was easy to guess, rin was struggling to tell his feelings for you.

"you like me," you offered to help him, as his face lit up like a lightbulb. "yeah," he replied instantly, but flushed light red when he realised what he just responded to.

"s-so what if i like you? it's only a lukewarm crush. nothing more, nothing less," he claimed, avoiding your e/c eyes that held hope. hope that he wouldn't keep denying himself and his own feelings.

rin was clearly offering himself up to you in this night where you both shared the same trouble of not sleeping.

he knew he had to say it sooner or later, before he takes his football path to the extreme in hopes of putting his brother into his place. so rin selected this night.

"i've been invited to a special football training and i don't know how and what will it be like. but i'm going. which means you'll be on your own. if i return different, just know i won't have time for us anymore," he continued, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"i don't mind," you spoke, a smile surfacing. "as long as you achieve your dreams at being the best."

your voice slight croaked at the information that was just given to you, and rin felt a sting in his chest. but he had to put personal feelings aside and go for the blue lock project. it was the key to victory.

"when do you leave for it?"

"in two days."

you nodded, eyes locking themselves on the night sky that thousands of twinkling stars was dancing around.

they reminded you of the sparks you felt towards rin everytime you were around him, how your heart would beat against your ribcage and the excitement you'd feel whenever you see him.

it sounded and felt weird to you, so you've always kept those little sparks to yourselves, afraid something completely stupid might happen.

now you've known that the sparks were mutual, it made you rested easy. but his proposal about going to the blue lock training gave you some sort of alerting loneliness that you know you have to get used to again.

life is unfair as it is.

as long as you still get to invest in him, you were more than glad to be around him.

"rin," you called out.

for the first time, you used his given name. the said male stunned you called him so, gave out a confused hum, signalling you to continue.

"when you return from the special training, let's go on a date," you shot him a toothy grin, a field of roses blossomed in your cheeks.

rin found your words adorable, and a smirk crawled up the corner of his mouth. "if i do remember about it. and i'll take your offer as a mutual result to my crush on you."

"sure, whatever. just keep going and achieving your dreams. i'll be supporting you," you let out a yawn, feeling sleepy through the conversation.

"don't let emotions take over, though," you playfully punched his shoulders, rin playfully wincing in pain before letting out a chuckle. "i'll keep that in mind."

for the rest of the night, you both sat through the moonlight, watching the moon, stargazing, chatting softly with laughter, and when you got tired, he gently pulled you close to rest your head on his shoulder.

you closed your eyes, and fell into darkness, rin's warmth making you twice as sleepy as you already are.

you wished this moment would never end, and he wished he would never forget his feelings for you when he enters blue lock.

𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓. i. rin ✓Where stories live. Discover now