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(Cary's POV)

It was a September Saturday.

Ponyboy, my younger brother, and I were walking home from the movies, something he and I did every weekend unless something came up.

I loved Pony with all my heart and he meant the world to me. I don't know what I would do if anything happened to him. We went to the same high school together; the both of us had skipped a grade a while back, making him a freshman and me a junior.

I thought him to be wildly handsome at 14, too handsome for my liking. He wasn't movie-star handsome like Sodapop or muscularly handsome like Darry (the oldest of all of us), he was just Pony. You could say he was a little bit of both, but he looked more like a kid than anything. But his kid features were changing too quickly and I didn't like it. He was growing up too fast, his features maturing too much at one time. I would see some girls looking at him, and I wouldn't do nothing about it until they would get weird about it, then I would glare at them until they got the message. They probably thought we were dating.

He had light brown hair, almost red, like mine, except he had green-gray eyes that could be raging with emotion one moment or bright with laughter the next. Even though he was young and a bit shorter than me, he had a good build: he was pretty muscular for his age, and I accredited it to his amazing track abilities.

The kid astonished me. I had never really been good at sports, not even cheer or dance, but Pony? Man, that kid could run a mile a minute. I had been trying to get him to smoke less because he was going to mess up his lungs so bad that he wouldn't be able to run no more, but I guess when you start it at such a young age and are around guys who do it all the time, it's hard to quit. I understand that, and try to be patient with him, but I would hate to see him lose a great opportunity because of some cigarettes. I think he had been smoking less, as he used to smoke around me all the time but doesn't do it no more. Around me, anyways.

He was a bit shy, and I think that's why he didn't have many friends at school, other than the fact that he was so smart. He also got put into a lot of classes with Socs, which didn't help much. I had some friends—a couple of middle-class or Greaser girlfriends I had known for years, but not a lot. But hey, do you need a lot of friends to be happy?

Sodapop and I had told him many times that he would have more girls on him if he wasn't so sheepish around them, but I guess he couldn't help it. He was only 14, after all.

His friends were the gang. They were more like family rather than friends, we had known them practically our whole lives.

We were walking down Pinson Road, barely a mile from our house, talking about who we thought was going to be homecoming royalty at our school.

"You're gonna be queen," he said, "everyone likes you."

"Nah," I say shoving him a little, "it's probably gonna be someone like Cherry Valance."

"Yeah..." he said.

"But if I was queen, would you be my king?" I laughed.

He chuckled. "You want your brother as your king?"

"Yeah, why not?"

He laughed. "Okay, dream on." He kind of pushed me and I pushed him back. We laughed.

I would usually wear jeans to the movies, but all two pairs of mine were dirty. Instead, I was wearing a dark purple and black plaid pencil skirt that stopped just above my knees with a white V-neck pullover. The skirt was Mom's, but the sweater was my own. I had bought it a few months back with Cassie, my best friend.

I looked at Pony. He was wearing Wranglers and a wine-colored T-shirt with his white Converse that were sort of falling apart. I was saving up to buy him a new pair for Christmas. I ruffled his hair, greased back as always, and said, "Stop growing up, Pony. I don't like it. You're getting too handsome."

He kind of shoved my hand away and laughed. "Hey, watch it! You're gonna mess up my hair!" He said as he ran his fingers through his hair, straightening it up again.

As he said this, I heard the slow rolling of tires on the road next to us and looked to see a blue Corvette. Socs, great.

They passed slowly, following us, wolf-whistling at me. "Hey, baby! What's a pretty thing like you doin' hangin' around Greaser trash like that?" One of them shouted and they all laughed.

Pony began to curse at them before I put my hand on his arm. "Just ignore them, Pony." I said calmly. "They're just trying to get a rouse out of you."

"Yeah, well, it's workin'."

"Just ignore them," I pleaded, "they'll go away."

He looked at the ground and I saw his jaw clench as they continued to whistle at me. They eventually went away and I looked at Pony. "See? I told you it was gonna be fine."

I smiled and he tried to smile back, but I could tell he was still angry.

He was cooled off by the time we got home.


Sooooo what do you think? I know this is kind of a short chapter but I will update soon!!!

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