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(Cary's POV)

I never thought that pitch black was comforting until I was alone inside my mind as I slept — no dreams, no thoughts. Just me and peace.

I don't know what time I fell asleep, but when I woke up, it was dark outside. I pushed myself up and still felt woozy, but in a refreshed way. I smiled stupidly to myself and briefly glanced around my bedroom.

Everything was still in the same place as before, though I noticed someone must have cleaned up my room since I was last in it. Probably Darry, to be honest. Not that Soda and Pony weren't considerate — they were, in their own ways — but neither of them would think to do that kind of thing.

I stepped out of the bed and instantly felt sweaty — the satin pants clung to my skin like static, the sweater making me feel hot and heavy.

I opened up my closet, excited by the opportunity to pick and choose what clothes I get to wear again. Yet, I don't bother picking anything fancy — an old pair of Soda's jeans and a loose-fitting T-shirt.

Despite my appreciation for Cassie's generosity, I was grateful to take the sweaty clothes off and put on the clean clothes. They had a refreshing cool to them that calmed me. Looking in the mirror, it was clear it wasn't anything impressive, but I was comfortable. I decided my hair had grown a bit ratty over my nap, so I brushed through it quickly. I was in desperate need of a shower, as the hospital wasn't too keen on keeping up on my hygiene.

As I pulled it into a loose braid, I heard voices from the living room. Indistinguishable, but recognizable. Two-Bit was out there, along with Darry and Soda.

I reached for the door handle sheepishly, as if afraid to open it. What was I so scared of? It's just the gang.

Who was I kidding, what was I always scared of? Pity. It has always been pity.

Yet, their voices seemed devoid of it and so full of warmth that I didn't hesitate long before opening the door.

Everyone briefly stopped their chatter, all heads turning towards me. Here it was, the thing that I hated the most. Pity and undivided attention.

Two-Bit was the first to break the silence. "Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes."

Darry, who was sitting next to him on the couch, gave him a nasty look and kicked him from under the coffee table before turning back to me. "How'd you sleep?"

"Hey, Cary!" Soda interrupted, standing up and walking towards me. He wrapped me in a hug without a word, and I clung tightly to him. It had been a few days since I had gotten a hug — a real hug — and getting one from Soda just made it all the better.

He let me go, holding on to my shoulders and scanning his eyes up and down my body as if examining me. Though he saw he tried to hide it with a smile, I could see the pity I so dreaded in his eyes. Instinctively, I slightly wriggled out of his grasp, but then regretted it, as my body grew cold from the absence of his touch.

Yet, he still smiled at me. "We saved you a sandwich."

I looked towards the dining table. "Sandwich?"

"Yeah," Two-Bit chimed in from the couch as he stood up, "I picked some up today, thought I'd treat the homecoming queen."

I rolled my eyes but smiled.

"Lay off, Two-Bit," I heard Ponyboy pipe up from sitting on the floor.

"Fine, fine. I'll chill out." He winked at me. "For now."

I ignored him and took the lone sandwich from the table and joined Ponyboy on the floor. "Where's Johnny?" I asked upon noticing his absence. My heart skipped a beat and I hoped that he wasn't sleeping in the lot again.

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