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I debated telling Cassie about Johnny at school. I usually told her everything, but I felt embarrassed for some reason.

She must have noticed I was spacing out because, after Chemistry class, she caught up to me in the hallway. "What's wrong?"

"What do you mean?" I said, turning to look at her.

"Come on, Cary. I know you. What's up?"


She cocked an eyebrow suspiciously.

"I'm telling you, there's nothing wrong. I'm fine."

"Then why are you so quiet?"

"Am I not allowed to be quiet every once in a while?"

"You're never this quiet."

I sighed. "I had a bad day at work yesterday. I'm tired. Today's probably gonna be even worse." I lied. Well, I didn't really lie. I just wasn't telling the full truth.

She gave me such a look of pity I about puked. She hated the fact that I worked all the time, not just for the fact that we couldn't hang out as much, but also that she was worried about me.

"I'm sorry, Cary." She turned and faced the hallway again. "I don't see why you don't just quit."

I whipped my head around to face her, shocked that she would even say such a thing. "I can't quit, Cassie. I couldn't do that to Linda. I wouldn't. Plus, we can't afford it."

"I know, but...you're only sixteen. You're gonna work yourself to death."

I looked at her. "I'll be fine, Cass. You worry about me too much."

She smiled at me, her sage-colored eyes twinkling. "Well you don't, so somebody's got to."

We laughed together and I smiled. Cassie could always make me smile. She was kind of like Soda in that way.

Cassie eventually had to break away from me to go to her class, so I walked alone the rest of the way.

I saw Sandy again in the hallway, but she was alone. I smiled and waved at her, but she hurried through the halls, clutching her books close to her chest, not even looking at me. She seemed frazzled, panicked.

I called to her as she got closer to me, but she kept her eyes ahead, pushing through the crowded halls.

I stand there, confused. Something real bad must have happened for her to be like that, to ignore me, to be alone and not around any of her friends.

The bell rings, snapping me out of my daze and I rush to class.


I walked home with Ponyboy that day like I always did, mentally preparing myself for a long day at work. We were talking about it on the way home .

"So I guess this means no more movies?" He asked sadly.

I shook my head. "I'm sorry, Pony. I really wish I could, but—"

"I understand, Cary," he cut me off, "you've apologized a million times already. It's fine."

I smiled and looked at him. He was wearing a wine-colored T-shirt underneath a blue zip-up and Soda's old jeans with his same old dirty, ragged white Converse. His auburn hair was greased back as always, combed back and around in waves. His green-gray eyes were sparkling with laughter as he talked, adding brightness to his smile. Man, I loved that kid.

I stopped, taking his face in both of my hands and kissing his forehead. He would have killed me if I did that at school, but we were well into our neighborhood by now and barely anyone was around.

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