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(Cary's POV)

I woke up to the obnoxious sound of my alarm clock. Johnny was gone.

It was a beautiful day: the sun was poking through my wispy curtains and the morning doves outside were cooing a lovely song.

I sighed happily. Last night was the first night in ages I didn't have some sort of bad dream or unpleasant rest. I could finally just sleep.

After I got ready, I went into the kitchen. Breakfast was the same as always: Soda had to drag Pony out of bed while Darry fried eggs. Steve came in and found the chocolate cake while Two-Bit stumbled in behind Dally from a brutal hangover. You would think he would learn by now.

Johnny decided to go to school with us today. The boys teased that he was too eager and that he must have a girl there, to which he blushed but denied it.

For some reason, Johnny with a girl bummed me out. Why?

I ignored my disappointment. He should be able to date whoever he wanted.

Before we left, the two of us were alone on the porch waiting for Ponyboy.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked.

I smiled. "Really well, actually. It was probably one of the best nights I've had in a while," I felt my cheeks go warm. "Thanks, Johnny."

"Of course," he said, smiling, "I guess I make really good tea, huh?"

"Yeah," I laughed, even though I knew it wasn't the tea that let me sleep peacefully. Thinking about last night gave me butterflies. Stop it, Caroline. He doesn't think of you like that, I scolded myself.

Just then, Pony came outside and we were off to school.

When we got there, Johnny and Ponyboy waved me goodbye as we all went our separate ways.

I was just putting my stuff in my locker when I felt someone come up behind me. I turned to see Nathan leaning against the locker next to me. He was wearing a white sweater and high waters with Penny Loafers. Classic rich kid attire.

"Hey," he said, leaning against my locker, "how you feeling?"

"Fine," I said, knowing he was referring to last night at the movies, "never better." I smiled at him and he smiled back.

There was a few seconds of awkward silence as he shuffled his feet. He looked as if he wanted to say something again but just rubbed the back of his neck.

"Are you going to the drive-in tonight?" He finally asked.

I shook my head. "I have to work," I said as I closed my locker, "but maybe I'll go this weekend with Ponyboy and Johnny again. I don't know,"

Just then the warning bell rang. "I guess I'll see you around, then?" I said as I began to walk away.

Nathan nodded, "I guess so."

On the way to class, I spotted Soda's girlfriend, Sandy. She was with a really cute guy who looked to be middle-class and had wavy red-brown hair with a chiseled jawline. They were talking and smiling, but nothing flirtatious. At least not that I could see. She looked up to see me and then waved. I waved back and decided to go talk to her. We were acquaintances even before she started dating Soda, but now that she was I would consider her a friend.

"Hey, Cary!" She greeted me with a wide smile. "This is my friend, Micheal," she said, gesturing to the handsome brown-haired boy.

"Nice to meet you," I said as the guy looked at me.

"Likewise," he said. By the way he said it, he was obviously a flirt, and this was confirmed when he started looking me up and down.

"How is Soda?" Sandy asked as she shifted the books in her arms, "I haven't seen him in a few days."

I shrugged and smiled. "Good as ever."

She grinned. "Tell him to call me. I want to get with him soon."

"Why don't you just stop by the gas station at lunch today like usual?"

She looked at Micheal then back to me. "I can't. I have plans."

I looked between her and Micheal. By the way he was looking at her, I could tell he liked her. The mention of Soda made his face wrinkle slightly and he sort of pouted.

"Okay, well I've got to get to class. I'll see you around," I said as I walked off.

I had a bad feeling about Micheal. He seemed to like Sandy a little too much. But I trusted Sandy. She was a good girl and she loved Soda. She would never cheat on him.


sandy >:(

Also sorry that this is kind of a short chapter. A pretty interesting one is coming up in the next few chapters, so stay tuned!

Love y'all. Stay gold.

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