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TW: this chapter contains sexual assault, abuse and violence.


When I walked through the rusted fence gate, I heard the boys talking. They all stopped when I walked in and let the door slam behind me.

"How was work, Cary?" Soda asked. He was always checking up on me. On everyone, really.

"Fine," I lie, my voice still shaky.

"What's wrong?" Darry asked as he set a glass down on the table.

I take a breath and steady my voice. "Nothing. I'm fine." I give them a fake smile before going back to my room to put away my purse.

When I came back out, I sat down at the table and we started eating.

I couldn't help but think about Jonathan, and I thought of a memory I hoped I would never see again.

It was a super hot August day and Jonathan and I had been out together all day. He said he wanted to apologize and make up. I decided to give him one last chance but promised myself that I would break it off if he tried anything else. Later that night, at the drive-in, he somehow found some beer and got drunk. I hated it when he did that. He scared me when he was drunk.

When we got in the car for him to drive me home, he made a move on me. He put his hands all over me, trying to take my clothes off but I pushed him away. I wasn't ready. Not for him, and especially not when I was 16. I had told him this many times but he never seemed to understand.

He got violent, yelling at me to just let him do it, and that I would enjoy it if I just relaxed. I yelled back saying that I wasn't comfortable, that I wasn't going to do it with him and especially not when he was drunk.

Then he hit me. He slugged me across the face, hard. It threw me against the car door.

I looked at him. He was furious. Whether it was with me or himself, I didn't know, but I got out of there. He tried to grab me, tried to pull me back into the car, but I ran. I ran all the way home.

Then when I got home, the boys all asked about me.

I don't remember what happened after that. I was so scared....

"Cary!" Soda's voice snapped me out of my daze. "What's wrong? You spaced out for a solid minute." I rubbed the palm of my hand with the scar and looked at the ground. I didn't feel like talking about it, but I knew that they wouldn't let it go until they knew what was wrong. "I ran into Jonathan again today." I said quietly.

I felt Pony shift uncomfortably in his seat next to me.

"Where? What happened?" Soda asked.

"He came to the diner and wanted to talk to me. Said he wanted to apologize." I scoffed. "The audacity." My eyes got blurry with tears but I pushed them back. 

Soda noticed and asked, "Did he hurt you?"

I didn't want to bring this up again. The wounds Jonathan left were still healing, and talking about this was only going to open them back up. But I had to tell them. 

My voice was shaky again when I spoke. "He followed me home and tried to talk to me again. He was drunk. I thought he was going to hit me." I paused. "I was so scared..." I started to sob a little before swallowing it and wiping my eyes.

The boys all looked at me, concerned. I couldn't stand their looks of pity, so I put my head down, looking at the wood floor. I felt a hand on my back and instantly knew it was Soda's. He was gently rubbing my back as he kneeled beside me. "We ain't gonna let him hurt you anymore, ya hear? We'll take care of him."

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