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It wasn't long after Katherine left that she came back with another cup of water. As she placed it on the bedside table, she sighed. "I have a verdict from Dr. Barry."

We all looked at her expectantly as she took the clipboard out from under her arm.

"What is it?" Darry asked, his arms crossed as he leaned against the window.

"Well," she sighed, "after examining her, he's come to the obvious conclusion that she's underweight and malnourished." Her tone was laced with sarcasm which made me smile despite myself. "So, he's keeping her here for a few days to regain her strength or until he deems her fit to go home."

"How many days is 'a few days'?" I asked.

She turned to face me and shrugged. "Could be three, could be five, could be ten. Nobody knows." She sighed. "I doubt even he knows."

I chuckled. Dr. Barry did seem kind of ditzy whenever he examined me earlier, and I supposed Katherine was sick of it.

Suddenly, my smile faded. I couldn't afford to miss school, I was already so behind.

Forget school, I couldn't miss work. Missing one day was one thing, but missing a week or more was a whole other. Our heads were barely above water with payments as it was, how were we going to pay for medical bills without me working? If we couldn't keep up our living situation, the people from the state would write Darry up. I would be whisked away to a state home where the girls all wear the same clothes and you get slapped on the wrists with a ruler. Soda and Ponyboy would be taken to some boys home to be made fun of and beaten up.

No more family.

No more Cassie.

No more Johnny.

No more life.

I guess that I had started to visibly panic at the thought, because Darry put a hand on my shoulder and smiled. "It'll be okay."

"But Darry," I started, "I can't miss work, how are we—"

"It'll be fine, Cary." He interrupted me, his eyes stern yet gentle. "You worry too much. It'll work out, I promise." I could tell by the look in his eyes that, even though he was trying to be strong and confident, he was also worried.

Suddenly, Katherine piped up. "I assume that you're her legal guardian?"

Darry turned towards her. "Yes, why?"

"There's some papers you need to sign up front when you get the chance. Legal stuff. Shouldn't take too long."

"I'll be up in a minute," Darry replied, to which she smiled and started towards the door.

"I have to go take care of another patient. Take your time." And with that, she left, and before the door closed, her heels could be heard clacking against the tile.

Darry turned back to me. "I'll have to go back to work after I do the..." he waved his hand around dismissively, "...fun stuff." He paused as his eyes were overcast with a cloud of apology. "I'm sorry. I wish I could stay here."

I gently placed a hand on his arm. "We don't need two people missing work. I'll be fine here, they'll take good care of me." I smiled reassuringly. "I promise."

I promise. How many times have I told him that, only for them to come up empty?

I promise I'll be fine walking home alone. I promise I won't get hurt.

I promise I'll be a good sister.

He studied me, as if trying to decide if I was lying, before wrapping me in one last hug. "I love you," he whispered, "don't forget that." Suddenly, I found myself unable to speak, so I just squeezed him harder to let him know the feeling was reciprocated

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