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(Cary's POV)

I woke up the next day earlier than I normally would've liked to, but it wasn't a normal day.

It was maybe seven o'clock when I opened my bedroom door to take a shower and clean myself up. Not even thirty minutes later, I was sitting on the armchair by the door, eagerly fumbling through the small notebook full of phone numbers to find Cassie's house.

I had nervously hoped that she wouldn't be too mad at me, and even if she was, she would maybe forgive me and we could go with our original plan.

It had only rung twice before I realized that it was Sunday: she would be at church. Yet, someone still picked up the phone.

"LeBlanc residence, this is Jules speaking." I heard her mothers's soft, Southern voice over the line. She seemed tired, but kind as always.

"Morning, Mrs. LeBlanc," I started, instantly met by an enthusiastic exclamation.

"Ah, is that Miss Caroline?"

I chuckled. "Yes ma'am."

"Oh, how are you doing, dear? It seems like ages since I've heard your voice."

"It has been a while." I paused. "Is Cassie there? I understand y'all must be getting ready for church, and I just need to ask her a quick question."

"Oh, of course! Hang on just a minute..." her voice grew quieter as I assumed she moved the phone from her mouth and called Cassie's name. Within a few seconds, I heard the voice I knew so well come over the line.

"Hey, Cary! How're you feelin'?"

"Great!" I said, "I'm sorry we didn't get to go yesterday. I didn't get released until six, and then I came home and fell asleep—"

"Oh," she chortled, "don't worry about it. I knew you wouldn't miss unless you had to."

I let out a quiet breath of relief. I knew that she would be forgiving, yet a part of me stupidly doubted it.

"Do you wanna go today? Homecoming's next week y'know."

I was taken aback — homecoming was a week away already? I guessed I didn't realize just how long I was stuck in that hospital.

"Sure," I responded, "I don't got nothin' planned."

"Alrighty," she started, "I'll pick you up after church at about one, okay?"

"See you then, Cass."

"Bye, Cary."

And with that, the line went dead, and I placed the phone back on the receiver.

"You certainly are feeling better." Someone's voice behind me made me jump, and I turned to see Ponyboy.

He wore his PJ's and stood at the bottom of the stairs with his hands in his pockets. His hair was a mess, and his voice groggy, making it a bit deeper than normal. He must have just woken up.

"Good morning," I said with a smile, walking towards him, "how'd you sleep?"

He shrugged. "Can't complain. You?"

I nodded. "Same."

I pulled him into a hug and he squeezed back. "I'm glad you're home," he said after a few seconds of silence, "we were all mighty worried."

I smiled. "Well, I'm here now, aren't I?"

"I know, I know," he replied, "but you still scared us somethin' fierce."

I kissed the top of his head and hugged it to my shoulder. He hugged me back and I ran my fingers through his hair, almost out of habit. I felt him sigh: he loved it when I did that, though he would never admit it to the guys. I thought it reminded him of Mom.

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