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'C'mon, get up'

'Mnmmn..' I grumble in my sleep, not even able to open my eyes. I'm too tired. I pull the blanket covers over my head in hopes it will save me. Unfortunately it doesn't work. The covers get pulled of off me completely.

'You're gonna be late, exam is in an hour.' Jimin's stern voice makes me wake up in an istant.
Shit. I fell asleep.

I jump out of the bed running to the bathroom, zooming past Jimin who's laughing at me now rushing around.

'Why didn't you wake me up earlier?!' I mumble with a toothbrush in my mouth, running around the room looking for the clothes I need to wear. He was just picking up the books I left all over the bed and around it.

'I did call you like 75 times, but you were in a coma it seems. I had to come all the way here to wake you up. Your mom let me up and told me to slap you for her.' He chuckles

'Grrrr!' I'm just mad at myself now for letting this happen. There is still plenty of time, but I need to refresh my memory a bit before the exam.

I'm going to University in Seoul, this is my 2nd year. Jimin is in the same uni and year as me, except he is in a different department as he's studying dance. We have known each other since.. well pretty much from the delivery room. He is 2 days older than me. He never lets me live it down. He also lives next door and our parents are great friends, so it was inevitable. He is more like family to me than a best friend.

'How did your exam go?!' I ask, almost yelling through the bathroom door as I'm dressing up

'We didn't have a written one this time. We needed to construct a contemporary dance piece for this one. I think I'll be safe.' He answers

'Please, we both know you will ace it.' I smile at him as I walk out of the bathroom. He was kind of a dance genius. He could do pretty much any dance style you tell him to do. I've watched him many times as he practiced and always wondered how it was possible to move your body the way he does. I would probably break something.

'I will find out today in the afternoon when the results are out. You however, we need to get your sleepy ass to uni. Here.' He passes me a bag which he already packed for me, and a notebook to read through on the way 'I'm driving, so you just get ur nose in there and study.'

'If I pass this, I'm buying you kimchi.' I tell him, grateful he woke me up. He always did though. I'm pretty sure he woke me up more times than an alarm. One time he even showered me in cold water when I didn't wake up on time. I genuinely felt like throwing him out the window.

'If that's the case, I will write the test for you.' He does love his food, which is weird for someone who barely eats.

We both rush downstairs passing by my mom on the way.
'Mom, I'll see you later! Love you!'

'Good luck!' She laughs seeing me run. She then speaks to Jimin who was walking calmly behind me 'Thank you Jimina, at least I can count on one of you two.'

'I will raise her to be responsible.' He jokes making my mother laugh as she waves goodbye at him.

We were in the car now, driving to uni. He didn't want to disturb my studying so he didn't speak or play any music on the way.

'We're here. Are you ready?' He asks but I didn't react. He then smacked the notebook in my hand lightly, startling me.

'Oh sorry, I got immersed in this. Let's go. I'm ready.' I have been studying for ages. I'm sure I know the book covers from back to front just by memory by now.

He walked me to the class, holding my arm and pulling me left and right at times so I don't bump into people in the way as I was still reading out of the notebook.

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