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'Should we order some pizza?' Jungkook asks everyone as we're settling in

'I'm down.' Young says

'I can always eat.' Jimin agrees as well

'I will never say no to pizza.' Ona says

'Don't even need to ask.' Taehyung taps his tummy

'What's a party without a pizza.' I say

'Deal, Imma get right on it, you guys figure out what we're gonna do.'

While Jungkook was ordering, we tried to figure out what to do. Half of them didn't care about watching a movie. No one wanted to play video games. They finally agree to find a game we can play as a group.

'Uno?' Young suggest

'We will kill each other. No.' Taehyung says, and everyone agrees

'What about Pictionary?' Ona suggests

'I can't hold a pen properly, let alone draw.' Jimin shuts it down

'Truth or dare?' Young suggests again

'I don't feel like running naked down the street.' I joke, and everyone chuckles

'What about spin the bottle?' Says Jungkook, who came back

'Oh, not this again.' I sigh to myself, but surprisingly, everyone else agrees

'Jimin, Aera, majority wins. You're doing this.' Taehyung points his finger at us

'Sure, I guess I can kiss a few cheeks.' I sigh

'Ah, no, no, not this time. You got a pass last time. Both of you. No cheeks today.' Young complains

'I don't think we got a pass. At all.' Jimin says

'Nope, you're doing this.' Jungkook protests

Jimin sighs deeply, then looks at me. 'Are you okay with this?'

'It doesn't seem like we're getting out of it anyway. I won't die for it. It's better than truth or dare.' I shrug my shoulders. I pretend like I'm just going along, but I'm only playing on the off chance that I get to kiss Jimin.

'I guess you have a point there.' He sighs. 'Fine, we're in.' He speaks to them, and they all start cheering and chanting.

'That's the spirit. Now let's get this table cleaned up and start spinning.' Jungkook seems way too excited.

'I'll go first.' Young volunteers. 'I guess this is a good start.' She jokes as she gets Ona. They pecked lightly on the lips, both of them laughing. It was pretty funny.

'Guess I'm next.' Ona says, spinning the bottle.

'Fuck me.' I heard Jimin curse under his breath, seeing Ona get him on the spin. She seemed happy about it, though, smiling from ear to ear.
'Let's get this over with.' He sighs, getting up. They met halfway around the table. He gave her a light peck and turned away.

'C'mon, what was that?! Kiss properly. That was barely anything.' Young protests with everyone else agreeing. I don't really want to see the two of them kissing. I think it's just her that bothers me.

'Come on, Jimin. We are not 5.' Ona says. He glares at her, but he pulls her around her waist, kissing her. He kissed her properly this time, not just a peck. The rest of the guys were clapping and laughing. I've got to admit, this doesn't feel nice to watch. It stings more than I thought. She tried to deepen the kiss, but thankfully, he pulled away, cutting it short. He sat back down, wiping his mouth, looking annoyed.
'Stupid game.' Me mumbled under his breath

Teach me how |BTS JIMIN BFF FF|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora